The EQR system is encountering difficulties in uncompressing some zip files compressed with Windows 11’s default tools.  We are in the process of investigating this incompatibility.  In the meantime, we are advising affected filers to utilize the specialized tool available on the FERC website instead of the compression function in Windows 11, 

Additional guidance for using this tool is available in our EQR FAQs.   If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Note: Unsecure FTP server ( no longer available

The EQR is the reporting mechanism FERC uses for public utilities to fulfill their responsibility under section 205(c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) to have their rates and charges on file in a convenient form and place. The EQR contains Seller-provided data summarizing contractual terms and conditions in agreements for all jurisdictional services, including cost-based sales, market-based rate sales, and transmission service, as well as transaction information for short-term and long-term market-based power sales and cost-based power sales. Certain non-public utilities are also required to file EQRs under section 220 of the FPA, beginning in the third quarter of 2013.

 Recent Highlights

  • October 19, 2023 – The Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on Revisions to the Filing Process and Data Collection for the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) in Docket No. RM23-9-000.  Also accompanying the NOPR is a Proposed EQR Data Dictionary and a Modified Data Fields Summary.  The NOPR proposes various changes to current EQR filing requirements, including both the method of collection and the data being collected. The proposed changes are designed to update the data collection, improve data quality, increase market transparency, reduce costs over time of preparing the necessary data for submission and streamline compliance with any future filing requirements.
  • September 14, 2021 - The Commission issued a Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference and Agenda, as well as an Errata to indicate the correct registration link in Docket No. AD21-8-000. This technical conference is the third in a series of conferences related to a reassessment of the EQR requirements. Event Page
  • August 12, 2021 - The Commission issued a Notice of Technical Conference in Docket No. AD21-8-000. The Commission will convene a staff-led technical conference on October 14, 2021 via webcast as part of a reassessment of the EQR requirements. The purpose of this technical conference is to provide a forum for Commission staff, filers, and data users to discuss potential changes to the current EQR data fields.  This technical conference is the first in a series of conferences related to a reassessment of the EQR requirements. Event Page
  • January 8, 2021 - The Commission issued a Notice of Technical Conference in Docket No. AD21-8-000. The Commission will convene a staff-led technical conference on February 24, 2021 via webcast as part of a reassessment of the EQR requirements. The purpose of this technical conference is to provide a forum for Commission staff, filers, and data users to discuss potential changes to the current EQR data fields.  This technical conference is the first in a series of conferences related to a reassessment of the EQR requirements. Event Page
  • October 6, 2020 - the Commission today issued a Notice of Revocation of Market-Based Rate Authority and Termination of Electric Market-Based Rate Tariff for four public utilities which failed to file Electric Quarterly Reports as specified in Order No. 2001.  See Docket No. ER02-2001-020 et al.  Access the Notice here.   

 EQR Website Announcements

  • November 8, 2023  FERC staff has posted an updated version of the EQR Filing Requirements Guide. This version of the Guide updates the embedded hyperlinks included in the November 15, 2017 version as a result of changes to the eLibrary directory structure. Other than updating the hyperlinks, no substantive changes were made to this document.

  • March 24, 2023 – FERC staff has added a new Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) to the Transaction Data section to provide guidance when reporting California Independent System Operator, Western Energy Imbalance Market sales.   The FAQ can be identified by the date “as of 3/24/2023.”  The EQR FAQ webpage can be found here Frequently Asked Questions.

  • November 23, 2020 FERC staff has posted a redline and clean copy of the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) Data Dictionary Version 3.5.  This version incorporates updates from the June 18, 2020 Order Revising and Clarifying EQR Reporting Requirements, and is effective for the Q1 2021 EQR filing period. The EQR Change Log (here)and Release Notes Version 3.8 (here) also incorporate updates for the Q1 2021 EQR filing period. 

  • November 23, 2020 – FERC Staff has upgraded the EQR Report Viewer to include additional filter options, batch downloads, and notations for no submission. 

  • September 17. 2020 - The EQR team posted a new document to the EQR Data Submission Reference Material section of the webpage titled "Filing Errors and Validation Messages XLSX".  This document lists both filing errors and validation messages, the reason for the message, and whether it results in an error, warning, or is for informational purposes.  

 Archived Highlights and Website Announcements

EQR Meetings (Users Group and Technical Conferences)

EQR Reference Material

EQR Data Filers

Click the Login below to submit EQR data and access the EQR System.

EQR Login


EQR Filing Deadlines


Quarter Dates

Due By


January 1 – March 31



April 1 – June 30



July 1 – September 30



October 1 – December 31


* EQRs are due by 5 p.m. ET on the Due Date. If the Due Date falls on a day the Commission is closed (e.g., a weekend or due to inclement weather or other emergency), then the Due Date is the first day the Commission is open following the closure Guidance for filing extension requests is available at EQR FAQ. Extension requests made through an electronic filing must use eFiling

EQR Data Submission Reference Material

Electric Quarterly Report OMB Approval
OMB Control Number:  1902-0255
Expiration Date:     4/30/2026
Estimated Average Burden Hours Per Response: 18.1


EQR Compliance Material

  • Extension Requests for additional time to file an EQR report should be filed in Docket No. ER02-2001-000. 
  • If the seller’s name changes, if the seller merges with another entity, or has its tariff adopted by another entity, information for filing a Notice of Succession Access Here
  • When the facts or circumstances the Commission relied upon in granting a seller market-based rate authorization change, the seller is required to report the change by filing a Notice of Change in Status Access Here
  • Canceling your Market Based Rates - Notice of Cancellation of Market Based Rates

EQR Data Users

NOTE: The EQR Report Viewer now uses individual file link names.  This change does not impact external users accessing data manually but may impact automated data downloads. If you require additional guidance please contact [email protected].


Contact Information

This page was last updated on February 14, 2025