General Information

FERC's Office of Public Participation (OPP) provides some of its educational handouts in six different languages (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese Cantonese, Chinese Mandarin, Tagalog, and Vietnamese) on its Translated Resources webpage.

Top 5 Tips Series


Explainers are informational materials created for non-technical audiences and explain complex market and technical concepts for a wider audience. They also provide summaries of major rulemakings in way that make their impacts understandable and relevant to the American public.

Regional Transmission Organization (RTO)/Independent System Operator (ISO)

There are six Regional Transmission Organizations which ensure the reliability of the electric grid within their region and manage wholesale electric markets.  This section provides more information about ISOs/RTOs.   


When the Commission is considering a change of policies or rules, it will open a rulemaking in order to solicit input from a broad range of stakeholders.  This section contains explainers on rulemakings currently open before the Commission. 

Distributed Energy Resources

Dynamic Line Ratings for Transmission

Generator Interconnection

Inverter-Based Resources

Regional Electric Transmission


Participation Guides



Contact Information

This page was last updated on February 13, 2025