Supportable File Formats for Generate PDF & Download
The following table lists the file types accepted by FERC, their file extension, and indicates whether the eLibrary Generate PDF & Download feature can generate a portable document format (PDF).
For non-supported file types, users may zip and download the files separately.
Table 1 Supportable File Formats for Generate PDF & Download
Application / Description | Extension | Can eLibrary Generate a PDF? |
Adobe Portable Document Format (Acrobat 4.x or higher) |
Yes |
Advantica SynerGEE compatible Microsoft Access application MDB file (refer to Note 1) |
.MDB |
No |
Advantica SynerGEE input data set for pipe flow program (refer to Note 1) |
.PD |
Yes |
Advantica SynerGEE xy coordinate text file (refer to Note 1) |
.XY |
Yes |
ASCII Comma Separated Value |
.CSV |
Yes |
ASCII Text Format |
.TXT |
Yes |
AutoCAD Drawing database (refer to Note 1) |
.DWG |
Yes |
AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format |
.DXF |
Yes |
Bentley Systems Microstation drawing file |
.DGN |
No |
Corel WordPerfect |
.WPD |
Yes |
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) main file (refer to Note 1) |
.SHP |
No |
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) index file (refer to Note 1) |
.SHX |
No |
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) Base table (refer to Note 1) |
.DBF |
No |
ESRI Shape Format (vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute) projection file (refer to Note 1) |
.PRJ |
Yes |
ESRI ArcGIS auxiliary file (refer to Note 1) |
.AUX |
No |
ESRI ArcGIS external pyramid layer file used for rapid display of raster files |
.RRD |
No |
ESRI ArcMap project file (refer to Note 1) |
.MXD |
No |
ESRI ArcIMS Project file (ArcXML) (refer to Note 1) |
.AXL |
No |
ESRI ArcView spatial bin file for shapefiles (refer to Note 1) |
.SBN |
No |
ESRI ArcView spatial bin index file for shape files (refer to Note 1) |
.SBX |
No |
ESRI TIFF world files (refer to Note 1) |
.TFW |
No |
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid (LizardTech) image raster file (refer to Note 1) |
.SID |
No |
ESRI ArcGIS MrSid georeferencing information (world) file (refer to Note 1) |
.SDW |
Yes |
Extensible Markup Language |
.XML |
Yes |
FERC Index of Customers tab delimited text files (refer to Note 2) |
.TAB, .TA1, .TA2, .TA3 |
Yes |
General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) |
.GDX |
No |
General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) |
.GMS |
No |
General Electric Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) simulation |
.EPC |
Yes |
General Electric Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) output file |
.LST |
Yes |
Graphic Image Format |
.GIF |
Yes |
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file (refer to Note 1) |
.LIB |
No |
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file (refer to Note 1) |
.LOG |
Yes |
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file (refer to Note 1) |
.NTP |
No |
Gregg Engineering WinFlow output file (refer to Note 1) |
.OVR |
Yes |
Gregg Engineering WinFlow input file (refer to Note 1) |
.WFP |
No |
Gregg Engineering WinTran time-varying schedule file (refer to Note 1) |
.SCH |
No |
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file (refer to Note 1) |
.WTO |
No |
Gregg Engineering WinTran output file (refer to Note 1) |
.WTS |
No |
Joint Photographic Experts Group |
Yes |
Keyhole Markup Language (xml-based structure for geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth) (refer to Note 1) |
.KML |
Yes |
Keyhole Markup Language compressed file (refer to Note 1) |
.KMZ |
No |
Lotus |
.WK1, .WK3 |
Yes |
Lotus | .WK4 | No |
Microsoft Media Player (refer to Note 3) |
.WMV, .WMA |
No |
Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010: Word |
Yes |
Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010: Excel |
Yes |
Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010: Power Point |
Yes |
Motion Picture Experts Group (refer to Note 3) |
.MPG |
No |
MP3 audio file (mp3) (refer to Note 3) |
.MP3 |
No |
Managing and Utilizing System Transmission (MUST) Software (refer to Note 1) |
.CON, .MON, |
Yes |
Portable Graphics Format | .PNG | Yes |
PowerWorld Binary file |
.PWB |
No |
PowerWorld Drawing file |
.PWD |
No |
Print file |
.PRN |
No |
RAW Image File (RGB 24-bit Graphics) |
.RAW |
Yes |
Rich Text Format |
.RTF |
Yes |
Siemens PTI PSSE Input Device file |
.IDV |
Yes |
Siemens PTI PSSE output file |
.OUT |
Yes |
Siemens PTI PSSE output file |
.DAT |
Yes |
Siemens PTI PSSE raw data |
.RAW |
Yes |
Siemens PTI PSSE saved case |
.PTI |
No |
Siemens PTI PSSE saved case |
.SAV |
No |
Tagged Image File Format |
Yes |
Tagged Image File Format |
.TIF |
Yes |
Waveform sound (Microsoft Windows) (refer to Note 3) |
.WAV |
No |
Web page file containing Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) markup |
.HTM, .HTML, |
Yes |
Windows bitmap |
.BMP |
Yes |
Zip file compressed archive (must not be .exe or self-extracting) (refer to Note 4) |
.ZIP |
No |
Note 1
A detailed description of the content of the file and instructions for the public on how to obtain resources to view it must be included with the submission in light of National Archives and Records Administration regulations. This file type must only be submitted with Advantica SynerGEE, AutoCAD, ESRI, MUST, WinFlow, or WinTran files.
Note 2
Should only be submitted when filing FERC Index of Customers.
Note 3
A detailed description of the content of the file must be included with the submission in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Note 4
eFiling now accepts HEC-RAS files. These filings will not be automatically extracted and will be posted to eLibrary as zip files. Tips for submitting HEC RAS files.
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Contact Information
FERC Online SupportHours of Operation 8:00 -5:00 ET | TTY: 202-502-8659Telephone: 202-502-6652Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676Email: [email protected]