Additional Information is found under Office of Administrative Law Judges and Administrative Litigations Functions
COVID-19 Health and Safety Requirements
Administrative Hearings
The administrative litigation process begins when the Commission sets a proceeding for hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). The Chief Administrative Law Judge assigns a presiding judge and sets a hearing schedule.
As an alternative to litigation, the Commission may also provide participants with the opportunity to resolve conflicts through settlement. Settlement proceedings conducted before an ALJ allows the participants to maintain more control over the process to find a mutually acceptable outcome. Under the Commission's rules of practice and procedure, Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) act as settlement judges, mediators, facilitators, and arbitrators.
Notices to the Public
The Chief Judge has issued several notices to the public that provide useful information regarding hearings, settlements, protective orders and general matters. These issuances are listed below. To automatically receive notices of the public issued by the Chief Judge, please subscribe to Docket No. AD20-12-000.
General Guidance
- Notice of Document Labelling Guidance for Documents Submitted to or Filed with the Commission or Commission Staff (Issued April 14, 2017)
General Settlement Guidance
- Amended Notice to the Public on Information to be Provided with Settlement Agreements and Guidance on the Role of Settlement Judges (Issued December 15, 2016)
Settlement Related Tariff Filings
- Additional eTariff Type of Filing Code (TOFC) for Modifications to Pending Rule 602 Settlement Filings (Issued April 19, 2018)
- Procedures Governing Rule 602 Settlement Filings (Issued October 13, 2017)
- February 1, 2017 - Webinar on FERC Filing Procedures for Settlements Transcript and Presentation
- Notice of Additional E-tariff Type of Filing Codes (Issued December 1, 2016)
Motions to Implement Interim Rates
Notice to the Public Re: Remote Hearing Guidance (issued May 18, 2021)
Notice to the Public re: Revoking Remote Hearings Notice and Guidance
- Uniform Hearing Rules (Dated January 5, 2022)
- Electronic Hearing Rules and Procedures (Issued March 24, 2022)
- Remote Hearing Guidance for Participants 5.18.2021
- Notice to the Public Re: Remote Hearings (Issued September 1, 2020)
- Tracks for Proceedings Set for Hearing
Protective Orders
- Revisions to the Model Protective Order and Related Guidance (Issued May 11, 2020)
- Model Protective Order (Revised May 11, 2020)
Contact Information
Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ)Telephone: 202-502-8500
Sharli SilvaAdministrative Matters: Managing AttorneyTelephone: 202-502-8719Fax: 202-219-3289Email: [email protected]