Recent Highlights
October 8, 2023
As of October 8, 2023, requesters should use the following email addresses:
- [email protected] for FOIA requests; and
- [email protected] for CEII requests.
The Commission’s FOIA and CEII web pages will be updated to reflect these changes.
In addition, the Department of Justice’s Office of Information Policy, which is responsible for overseeing FOIA compliance, will be timely notified of these programmatic changes.
Please direct questions to Carolyn Templeton, Director – Strategic Operations and Special Projects; Office of External Affairs, at [email protected] or at 202-502-8785.
Electronic CEII Request Form
File your CEII requests on-line by:
- Completing the Electronic CEII Request Form which allows you to choose the appropriate non-disclosure agreement
- Email the CEII Request Form and the appropriate non-disclosure agreement to [email protected].
CEII Defined
CEII is defined as information related to or proposed to critical electric infrastructure,
- generated by or provided to the Commission or other Federal agency other than classified national security information,
- that is designated as critical electric infrastructure information by the Commission or the Secretary of the Department of Energy pursuant to section 215A(d) of the Federal Power Act.
CEII is specific engineering, vulnerability, or detailed design information about proposed or existing critical infrastructure (physical or virtual) that:
- Relates details about the production, generation, transmission, or distribution of energy;
- Could be useful to a person planning an attack on critical infrastructure;
- Is exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act; and
- Gives strategic information beyond the location of the critical infrastructure.
Critical energy/electric infrastructure means a system or asset of the bulk-power system, (physical or virtual) the incapacity or destruction of which would negatively affect:
- national security,
- economic security,
- public health or safety, or
- any combination of such matters.
Helpful Resources
In order to familiarize yourself with the Commission's policy regarding Critical Energy Energy/Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII, please read the Commission's rulemakings: Order Nos. 833, 702, 630, 630-A, 643, 649 and 683 under our CEII Regulations section.
You may also find our CEII Related Document Classes Table a useful aid in your inquiry.
CEII Requests & Exemptions
Visit our Help section to learn how to File a CEII Request.
An Owner/operator of a facility, including employees and officers of the owner/operator, may obtain CEII relating to its own facility directly from Commission staff. Non-employee agents of an owner/operator of such a facility may obtain CEII relating to the owner/operator's facility in the same manner as owner/operators as long as they present written authorization from the owner/operator to obtain such information. 388.113(g).
The cost of duplication of FOIA and CEII records will depend on the number of documents requested, the time necessary to locate the documents requested, and the category of the persons requesting the records. The procedures for appeal of requests for fee waiver or reduction are set forth in 18 CFR §388.-109.
Once a CEII requester has been verified by Commission staff as a legitimate requester who does not pose a security risk, his or her verification will be valid for the remainder of that calendar year. Such a requester is not required to provide detailed information about him or herself with subsequent requests during the calendar year. He or she is also not required to file a non-disclosure agreement with subsequent requests during the calendar year because the original non-disclosure agreement will apply to all subsequent releases of CEII.
Annual Filing
Once a CEII requester has been verified by Commission staff as a legitimate requester who does not pose a security risk, his or her verification will be valid for the remainder of that calendar year. Such a requester is not required to provide detailed information about him or herself with subsequent requests during the calendar year. He or she is also not required to file a non-disclosure agreement with subsequent requests during the calendar year because the original non-disclosure agreement will apply to all subsequent releases of CEII.
Organizational Requests
A requester who seeks the information on behalf of all employees of an organization should clearly state that the information is sought for the organization, that the requester is authorized to seek the information on behalf of the organization, and that all the requesters agree to be bound by a non-disclosure agreement that must be executed by and will be applied to all individuals who have access to the CEII. Limited to one calendar year.
Quick Links
Contact Information
FOIA/CEIIPublic Liaison, Office of External Affairs
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
United StatesTelephone: 202-502-6088Fax: 202-208-2106Email: [email protected]