OAL Org Chart
What We Do
The Office of Administrative Litigation litigates or otherwise resolves cases set for hearing. The lawyers & technical staff in this Office represent the public interest and seek to litigate or settle cases in a timely, efficient and equitable manner while ensuring the outcomes are consistent with Commission policy.
Resolve disputes through settlement by:
- Developing and serving on all parties objective settlement positions, or top sheets;
- Conducting or participating in settlement processes with energy industry officials, state commissions, customers and other intervening parties; and
- Assisting the settlement judge and parties to ensure agreements are consistent with Commission policy.
Litigate unresolved issues by:
- Conducting needed discovery and performing detailed analysis of data to develop prepared testimony and exhibits, and supporting such testimony through cross examination in administrative hearings;
- Preparing and presenting oral arguments, conducting direct and cross examination in proceedings before Administrative Law Judges, and preparing and filing legal briefs; and
- Ensuring that the evidentiary record developed in each case is adequate for decision making by the ALJ and the Commission, while meeting all required deadlines.
Contact Information
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
United StatesTelephone: 202-502-8004Toll-free Telephone: 866-208-3372Email: [email protected]