Instructive orders on eTariff filings and electronic tariffs

Docket No. Company Name Comment
ER23-2688-001 NRG Business Marketing LLC Instructions for filing Notice of Succession Filings (under 18 C.F.R. § 35.16) without establishing a new eTariff tariff database by making the change through the Commission’s Company Registration application  (See note 6).
ER19-420-001 Mendota Hills, LLC
  • Tariff Records (including pro forma records) filed with Settlements should include as a proposed effective date the date on which the rates become effective under the settlement
  • The 12/31/9998 date convention should be used only when the effective date of the tariff record depends on some future occurrence, such as a closing or other unknown date.
ER18-2337-001 Blackstone Wind Farm, LLC
  • Rule 602 Settlements should be filed consistent with the Chief ALJ’s Notice of Procedures.
  • Pro forma tariff records (preferred) or actual tariff records should be included as part of the settlement, as applicable.
  • Pro Forma tariff records should be filed using Record Change Type Pro Forma.
RP19-120-000 OkTex Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Pre-arranged or pre-packaged tariff change settlements filed with the Commission pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 385.207(a)(5) should be filed through eTariff, not through eFiling. n 8.
ER16-1631-000 Armstrong Power, LLC
  • Provides guidance on filing requirements for reactive power informational filings.
  • Provides procedures for making administrative filings by companies wanting to change Tariff Titles to more inclusive titles. This can help make tariff administration easier as companies can include multiple tariffs under the same Tariff Title.
RP13-1116-000 Kinetica Energy Express, LLC
  • If provided, Clean Tariff Records’ Headers and Footers should have
    • Complete Tariff Program identifier and
    • Tariff title that matches the Tariff Title provided in the meta data
ER13-553-000, EL13-46 Louisville Gas and Electric Company
  • Non-Filing companies to shared and joint tariffs automatically are parties to and EL13-46-000 Electric Company the proceeding, but are not included on the Commission's service list.
  • To be included on the service list, non-filing companies to shared and joint tariffs must be listed as an "Additional Applicant" in the eFiling system when the filing is made.
PR13-24-000 and PR 13-25-000 DTE Gas Company
  • Inform the Commission of name changes through FERC’s Company Registration web site
  • Required filers should not apply for a new Company Identifier (CID) simply because of a name change
  • Tariff filings made in the wrong CID can result in a company having two tariffs
  • Tariff filings made in the wrong CID may be rejected and the extra CID terminated
RP13-408-000 Energy West Development, Inc
  • Required filers should not create new Tariff Identifiers to contain tariff material that belongs in another Tariff Identifier’s tariff
  • Tariff filings made in the wrong Tariff Identifier may be rejected and the extra Tariff Identifier cancelled
ER12-2391-000 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
  • Requirement to file responses to deficiency letters as eTariff Amendments.
ER12-513-000 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
  • Explains that a regulated entity should not include two versions of the same tariff record in a single filing, but instead should make two separate filings to ensure that the correct tariff record becomes effective at the appropriate time. P 149-151.
ER12-337-000 Mississippi Power Company
  • Amendments to tariff filings must include a proposed change to a tariff record. P 23.
  • Supplements to the tariff filing do not amend a tariff filing nor change the date of filing. P 23.
  • The order found that Order No. 714 revised the policy enunciated in Duke Power Company, 57 FERC ¶ 61,215 (1991), such that filings that revise or amend supplemental materials (with no tariff amendment) are considered on an individual basis to determine whether the changes are so significant that they constitute an amendment that operates to extend the date by which the Commission must act. P 23. If such revisions are determined to constitute an amendment, an order will be issued.

Puget Sound Energy, Inc.

Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.
  • Companies should not create new Tariff Identifiers for each rate schedule or service agreement. Such agreements should be placed in a single Tariff Identifier.
  • Because eTariff filings can only modify one Tariff Identifier per filing, multiple Tariff Identifiers can unnecessarily complicate satisfying tariff filing requirements.
ER11-1986-000 Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
  • Tariffs with formula rates should have the fixed components of the formula in the tariff.
ER10-2952-000 Flat Rock Windpower LLC., et al
  • Required filers should have only one Company Identifier per program. Extra Company Identifiers will be cancelled.
ER10-1142-000 FirstEnergy Generation Corp., et al
  • Tariff filings with incomplete data will be rejected.
ER10-2032-000, et al. Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. , et al
  • Certificates of concurrence are agreements between the parties defining who is responsible for tariff maintenance, identifying the tariffs subject to the agreement, and memorializing any limitations.
  • Certificate of concurrences are not part of a tariff
  • Tariff text that incorporates another company's tariff material should contain the designated filer’s name, tariff title, tariff program/regulated industry, and specific tariff record limitations with the appropriate references to the incorporated tariff as necessary
  • The tariff titles and references used by non-designated filers and designated filers should be identical.
ER10-2430-001 Avista Corporation
  • Applicants should not use a statutory type of filing code to correct a compliance filing.
  • Record Plain Text must contain the plain text of the material submitted in the Record Binary Data
  • The company name is as it is registered with the Commission
ER10-2376-000 Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
  • Companies that have tariffs under different statutory programs under FERC jurisdiction must obtain separate Company Identifiers for each statutory program.
  • Rejection of all the Tariff Records to a tariff does not close the Tariff Identifier. To close a Tariff Identifier, a company must file a Cancellation category type of filing.
RP10-1025-000 Dominion Transmission, Inc.
  • Negotiated term and condition contracts must be filed as tariff records. P 12-14.

RP10-658, et al.
Portland General Electric Company

ANR Storage Company, et al.
  • Tariff Record section titles should permit viewer to locate specific provisions of tariff.
  • Tariff record section titles should include any identifying section numbers associated with specific parts of a pipeline’s tariff.
  • A complete section title is composed of the Record Content Description, Tariff Record Title, Record Version Number and Option Code.
RP10-823-001, et al. Columbia Gulf Transmission Company
  • Regulatory requirements for service, filing appropriate information and motions remain effective for eTariff filings. P 34.
  • Filing Title/Description must be accurate – incorrect content can lead to lack of clear Notice. P 35.
  • Type of Filing Code must match Transmittal Letter content, and Type of Filing Code controls. P 35.
RP10-960-001 & RP10-961-001 B-R Pipeline Company
USG Pipeline Company
  • Incorrect Tariff Record Collation Values can result in a disorganized tariff.
RP10-953-000 Dominion Transmission, Inc.
  • DTI’s Transmittal Letter referenced tariff section (Section 41.C of the GT&C) does not match its tariff record data’s section title (Tariff Record 40.48, GT&C - Crediting Overruns & Penalty Revenues, 0.0.0). This lack of consistency makes it difficult to find the referenced tariff sections from DTI’s electronic tariff’s Table of Contents.
IS10-328-000 Norco Pipe Line Company, LLC
  • Multiple tariff proposals with multiple proposed effective dates for the same Tariff Record Identifier cannot be made in the same Tariff Record.
  • Tariff Record Proposed Effective Date must match Effective Date shown on the PDF version of the tariff text.
  • Superceded material should not be part of the Tariff Record’s tariff text.
  • Commission regulations defining tariff format are still applicable in an eTariff environment.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company
  • Commission regulations defining tariff format are still applicable in an eTariff environment.
RP10-563-001 and RP10-742-000

ER13-242-000 and -001
Alliance Pipeline L.P.

Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.
In the event of discrepancies between the Transmittal Letter and the meta data, the meta data will prevail.
  • In Alliance, the meta data at issue was the "Suspension Motion" data element.
  • In MISO, the meta data at issue was an incomplete associated record identifier set.
RP10-563-000 Alliance Pipeline L.P.
  • Tariff text must be legible in both the Record Binary Data and the attached clean tariff.
  • If using designations, they must be unique
ER10-1159-000 San Diego Gas & Electric Company
  • Must provide a clean tariff as an attachment
  • Open Access/generally applicable tariffs must be sectionalized
  • Proper Type of Filing Code must be used
  • Suggestions on managing Tariff Identifiers in conjunction with Type of Filing Code
  • Baseline-New Type of Filing Codes should not be used for Order No. 714 compliance filings
RP10-652-000 and -001 Dominion South Pipeline Company, LP
  • Applicant properly used COMPLIANCE filing category Type of Filing Code to correct a compliance filing
  • Applicant properly used the associated tariff record metadata to target pending tariff records to be replaced. 
  • Status of the targeted tariff records set to OBE (Overtaken By Events).  There is no Commission action on these targeted tariff records as they are deemed no longer Pending.
  • Applicant proposed two versions of one tariff record in its two filings.  The Commission acted on both proposed tariff records.
  • Open access tariffs must be in RTF format

This page was last updated on April 19, 2024