The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) welcomes the public’s participation in its proceedings before it. Public comments are a crucial part of the FERC decision-making processes. Public comments provide the Commission with key information about how its decisions may affect you or your community.
FERC makes decisions on a range of important matters: from rules to regulate the energy industry, to proposals from companies seeking authorization to construct, operate, and maintain energy infrastructure projects, and to requests for energy market or transmission tariff changes. In each matter, FERC will create an open proceeding with a unique docket number. During an open proceeding, FERC will initiate a comment period. FERC offers online tools to help the public participate in open proceedings.
In 2021, FERC established the Office of Public Participation (OPP) to empower, promote and support public voices at FERC. You may contact OPP for assistance in navigating FERC proceedings and receiving information on when and how to comment, intervene or file motions during proceedings. If you have any questions, please contact OPP via email at [email protected] or by phone at (202) 502-6595. Please direct all media inquiries to [email protected].
FERC Online
FERC Online provides access to FERC electronic applications, including eLibrary, eComment, eRegistration, eFiling and eSubscription. Often, people interested in following a FERC proceeding will use one or more of these services. For example, you may review FERC issuances in eLibrary, file your own comments using eComment or eFiling, and then use eSubscription to keep track of future filings in the same proceeding.
eLibrary contains the official administrative record for all FERC proceedings. All FERC issuances, company filings and public comments submitted to FERC are stored in eLibrary. eLibrary requires no pre-registration and is available to the public.
eComment is the easiest and most accessible way online to provide feedback and input to FERC’s administrative record. Through eComment, you may comment on energy project (P, PF, CP, PT, and ET dockets), rulemaking (RM dockets), administrative (AD dockets) and policy (PL dockets) proceedings. eComment allows you to create text-only comments without having to create an online account or upload files.
- You have 60 minutes to enter and submit your comments. After 60 minutes, the session will time out and you will have to restart the application. To avoid timeouts, it may be helpful to create a text file, such as a Word Document, for your comments, and then copy and paste the text into the eComment application.
- You can use up to 10,000 characters in eComment, including such special characters as <, >, &, #.
- eComment does not accept file attachments. If you need to attach files, you must use eFiling.
All comments submitted through eComment become part of FERC’s administrative record for the relevant proceeding and are found in eLibrary.
To use eFiling and eSubscription, you first must create an online account using eRegistration. eRegistration requires you to provide FERC with your name and email address to create a FERC Online password.
You must recertify your eRegistration account every year. If not, your account will deactivate automatically. To reactivate a deactivated account, contact FERC Online support at 202-502-6652 or [email protected].
eFiling provides you with more options for the types of files to share with FERC. You can upload your comments as documents, such as Word documents or PDFs, and attach non-text files, such as images, videos, or spreadsheets. Anyone who wishes to intervene in a proceeding must use eFiling. eFiling may be used in all FERC docket types.
All files submitted through eFiling become part of FERC’s administrative record for the relevant proceeding and are found in eLibrary.
eSubscription is a service that notifies subscribers by email any time an issuance or filing, such as notices, orders, company documents or public comments, is made in an open proceeding in eLibrary.
To use eSubscription:
- Complete the eRegistration process.
- Log into FERC Online, click the eSubscription link, and select “Add New Subscription.”
- Enter your docket number of interest and follow the screen prompts to eSubscribe.
- Log back into eSubscription at any time and adjust your settings to stop receiving email alerts.
Quick Links
Contact Information
FERC Online SupportHours of Operation 8:00 -5:00 ET | TTY: 202-502-8659Telephone: 202-502-6652Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676Email: [email protected]
News MediaEmail: [email protected]
AccessibilityTelephone: 202-502-8659 (TTY)Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3372Fax: 202-208-2106Email: [email protected]