Be sure you clicked the ‘Submit’ button on the “Summary” screen. In the event that you did not submit your filing, eFiling allows you to resume your most recent filing that was not completed.
Depending on the filing type, review by one of our Program Offices may be in progress. This review could take up to 24 hours. There are also periods during which the filing queue may receive a large influx of filings. In any event, filings should be accepted or rejected within 24 hours.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
An order for a Qualifying Facility will only be issued if the filer requests the Commission to do so. For Self-Certification, the filer is stating that they have completed all the steps to be certified. Once the filing is accepted, the QF Docket is all the filer needs to show approval.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
The easiest way to follow a proceeding is by using our eSubscription service. You will be notified via email of anything that is filed or that is noticed by the Commission.
In order to be added to a Service List, you must eRegister, and then intervene in the proceeding. An alternative to the Service List is to follow the proceeding using eSubscription. You will receive via email all documents that are filed to and issued by the Commission.
FERC has a “No Change” policy whereby the Commission does not remove a filing from eLibrary once it has been accepted. Instead, the incorrect filing’s status is changed to “Privileged”, thereby removing the content of the filing from public view. The incorrect filing is then associated with the corrected filing. Note: If you have not received an Acceptance email, it may be possible to reject your filing by contacting FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
However, the “Privileged” status option cannot be applied to “eForm” forms filed in the eForms portal database and recorded in eLibrary because these forms, including, for example, the FERC Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3Q (gas and electric), 6, 6Q, 60 and 714, are public documents that remain in eLibrary as the officially filed record-version of the incorrect filing. Any eForm filed with an error should be corrected and resubmitted in the eForms portal.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]. Please include the error message if applicable.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
You can use eFiling to inform FERC of a name change. The categories chosen are General - > Request to update service, mailing, or Corporate Officials List. If the name change affects a docketed proceeding(s), the docket chosen should be the docket for that proceeding(s). If the update is to the Corporate Officials list, the docket number chosen should be RM99- 9.
If the company to be changed has been previously registered using Company Registration, the change can be made through the Company Registration portal per the Company Registration Instructions.
You should have received an email that contains a link to activate your account. Be sure to click the link, otherwise you will not be able to eFile. If you do not see the email, be sure to check your Spam folder, otherwise contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected].
It is not necessary. The Secretary receives all filings that come to the Commission.
The eFiler creates the description on all non-tariff filings. FERC may occasionally revise that description to adhere to standards regarding formatting, or to more accurately describe the filing. If you feel that the description as published in eLibrary should be changed or contains an error, contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
FERC does not accept filings via email. In order for the Commission to officially receive your filing, you will need to eRegister and eFile it.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
An easy way to comment on a project to use eComment. The comment is limited to 6000 characters and to P, CP, PF, PT, or ET dockets. If your comment is greater than 6000 characters or isn’t under one of the aforementioned docket prefixes, you must use eFiling.
You can submit one filing with public, privileged, CEII, and/or Protected materials. However, each filing must contain at least one public file.
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
You can update your address by logging into your eRegistration account. If you do not have an eRegistration account, you can contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
Contact FERC Online Support 866-208-3676 or email [email protected]
You can update the Corporate Officials list using eFiling. Select filing type “Request for Change in Service List.” Select RM99-9 for the docket.
PF represents Pre-Filing activity designed to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed project and to get stakeholder involvement. You may submit comments in the PF docket but intervention is not permitted since there is no formal application for the project before the Commission. If and when an application is filed, it will be assigned a CP docket, and you may intervene at that time.
You can use the eFiling system. Please make two separate filings with the menu selections indicated below:
41.11 Report of CPA Certification: Select “Report/Form for Exist. Dkt” (use Docket ZZyy-1, where yy = current federal fiscal year)
141.1 Annual Shareholders Report (Supplement to Form 1 or Form 2 Filing): Select “Report/Form for Exist. Dkt” (use Docket ZZyy-2, where yy = current federal fiscal year)
We are precluded by law from disclosing when the Commission will act on a proceeding or what that action might be. If you are on the Service List for the proceeding, you will receive email notification whenever the Commission issues something in that docket.
eFile a Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and state the attorney-of-record change in the filing. Be sure the replacement attorney has an eRegistered email account.
We treat AD dockets the same as Rulemaking (RM) dockets. If you comment or intervene, you get party status just as you would by intervening in other dockets. AD's are assigned to various things; if you want to preserve your right to request rehearing of any Commission issuance, you should intervene.
The individuals’ contacts that are to appear on the service list must be eRegistered. The companies do not have to be registered. Company registration is only required for companies filing tariffs with the Commission.
No, you must serve the parties on the service list for the documents you file. We only serve what the Commission issues. Service can be via email - you can simply forward the Acceptance for Filing email to the parties that have email addresses.
FERC does a best-effort in making sure that a filing is converted to a PDF. Due to technical limitations, some filings will only be partially converted, or in some cases not converted at all. The FERC PDF is unofficial, and in the event that one cannot be created, the status of a filing is not affected.
You can eFile the Petition. When you eFile, select (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part 1). You will then be prompted to the website to process payment.
Partial Registration only allows access to eSubscription and requires a name and email address. A Full Registration allows access to all FERC Online applications, but requires more information about the individual. Be sure to click "Next" on the first Registration screen instead of "Done" to continue with a Full Registration. Additional information can be found using the eRegistration User Guide .
1. Partial Registration:
Required: Name, eMail
Access to: eSubscription 2. Full Registration:
Required: Name, Email, Address, Alternate Contact Information Access to: Company Registration, eFiling, eSubscription, Service List
Updated: March 13, 2014