To get a good overview of the decision-making process, we have outlined the major parts of each process for the following kinds of projects.
Natural Gas Projects | Hydroelectric Projects |
Includes pipelines, compressor stations, storage facilities and liquefied natural gas terminals. Applicant’s Planning Process - Schematic Pre-filing Processes EIS Environmental Review Process - Schematic EA Environmental Review Process - Schematic Application Process - Schematic Construction Process - Schematic |
Includes re-licensing, original licensing, major amendments and new construction. Traditional Process Pre-filing - Schematic Application Filed - Schematic Alternative Licensing Process Pre-filing - Schematic Application Filed - Schematic Integrated Licensing Process Hydroelectric Licensing Rulemaking - Visit our "Hydropower Rulemaking" section to learn more |
Contact Information
Office of External AffairsTelephone: 202-502-8004Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3372Email: [email protected]