Public Reference Service

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) Public Reference Service assists members of the public with accessing public Commission records contained on the Commission’s website in eLibrary.

Public Services and Fees

Filings and other official documents may be viewed free of charge. Fees are charged for printing and photocopying FERC official documents. The Public Reference Service does not offer printing or copying services for materials that have not been officially submitted to or issued by FERC. 

Customer Service Levels (CSLs)

Customer Service Levels (CSLs) do not include delivery time of materials. Delivery is made by United States Postal Service, standard delivery, unless other arrangements are made by the customer, such as FedEx or electronic delivery.

Service     Description Customer Service Level Price Schedule Data Needed for Request Note

Document Conversion - Records On-Site

Requests to convert documents only available in microform

1-3 business days

No fee

Accession number for the document on eLibrary

CSL depends on the number of documents requested

Document Conversion - Records Off Site

Requests to convert documents only available in microform

7-10 business days

No fee

Accession number for the document on eLibrary

CSL depends on the number of documents requested

Requests for Certifications

Requests for certified copies of FERC official documents

1 business day

$5.00 per document (per copy), plus $0.20 per page printed

(Government agencies are exempt)

Accession number for the document on eLibrary, quantity of copies, recipient’s address for mailing the certification package, customer’s information (company name, phone number, email address)

CSL depends on availability of Secretary of the Commission staff

Requests for Records - Off-Site (including gas tariffs)

Requests for copies of original documents stored at off-site storage facilities

7-10 business days

No fee, unless research services are required

Document identifying information (i.e. accession number, docket and sub-docket number or tariff/rate schedule number, date, company name, description of document)

Documents must be obtained from eLibrary if available. If accession number is not provided, then research fees may apply (see below)

Requests for Records - On-Site (including electric tariffs)

Requests for copies of original documents stored at FERC

1-3 business days

No fee, unless research services are required

Document identifying information (i.e. accession number, docket and sub-docket number or tariff/rate schedule number, date, company name, description of document)

Documents must be obtained from eLibrary if available. If accession number is not provided, then research fees may apply (see below)

eLibrary Printing /Copying

Requests for printed copies of documents stored on eLibrary

1 business day

$0.20 per page

Accession number for the document on eLibrary

Shipping preparation and delivery charges apply

Research Services

Requests for assistance in locating a document on eLibrary, on-site, or off-site


$60.00 per hour
(Billed in 1/6th of an hour increment; $10 minimum)

As much document identifying information as available (i.e. accession number, docket, date, company name, description of document), customer’s information for the invoice (company name, address, phone number, email address)


Requests for Hearing Transcripts


Public versions of transcripts may be available through eLibrary 21 days after the date of the hearing transcript

Payment Methods

Available payment methods are ACH Credit, Courier, Wire, Mail. The general payment instructions are provided with the invoice.

Contact Information

FERC Online Support

Hours of Operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
Telephone: 202-502-6652
Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676
Email: [email protected]

This page was last updated on November 22, 2023