FERC’s Division of Dam Safety and Inspections (D2SI) will be conducting additional training classes on Revisions to the Part 12 Program and other risk analysis-related topics as indicated in the table below:
Course/Class | Date | Duration | Delivery Type | Location |
Part 12D Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned -Year 2 |
April 2025 |
2 Hours |
Virtual |
N/A |
PFMA and L2RA Observations and Lessons Learned | April 2025 | 4 Hours | Virtual | N/A |
Internal Erosion Risk |
Spring 2025, Dates TBD Fall 2025, Dates TBD |
4 Days |
In Person |
October 2025 |
2 Days |
In Person |
Introduction to USACE SQRA & FERC L2RA Process & Guidelines, DLS-102 | Registration |
October 22 and 23, 2025 (1 Day course being offered on consecutive days.) | 1 Day | In Person | Lakewood, CO |
Additional information on these training classes, including registration information will be provided in the near future.
More information on the above training is provided below.
Part 12D Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned - Year 2
This two-hour webinar will provide a summary of the information and observations gathered during the second year of the new Part 12D program and focus on Comprehensive Assessments. The webinar will include lessons learned from inspection plans, pre-inspection preparation reports, PFMAs, L2RAs, and Comprehensive Assessment review meetings.
PFMA and L2RA Observations and Lessons Learned
This four-hour webinar will provide a summary of the information and observations gathered over the first two years of PFMAs and L2RAs as part of Comprehensive Assessments. The webinar will include lessons learned and provide more specific information and detail on PFMAs and L2RAs than the former webinar.
Internal Erosion Risk
This four-day training course will develop the essential skills for identifying and assessing internal erosion potential failure modes in support of dam safety risk analyses. This course will provide background information and foundational principles and understanding related to the physics and mechanics of the internal erosion processes and will define internal erosion terminology. This course will summarize important internal erosion incident and failure case histories and will present the best practices for estimating probabilities of failure of internal erosion potential failure modes.
Physics-based analytical models are central to assessing internal erosion potential failure modes, and an in-depth understanding of their application is essential to informing judgment for sound and consistent risk-informed decision-making.
This training course will include demonstrations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center (RMC) Internal Erosion Suite of toolboxes.
Introduction to USACE SQRA and FERC L2RA Process and Guidelines, DLS-102
Explore how to prepare for, calculate and evaluate the results of semi- quantitative risk assessments (SQRA). The training will focus on the L2RA process, the calculations and information required to complete an L2RA, and how the L2RA results are used.
Target Audience - Technical staff of FERC licensees and consultants who
will be participating in or leading L2RA for a variety of purposes. This course
is appropriate for participants with other backgrounds or goals who could benefit from understanding all aspects of SQRA and L2RA.
Format - In-person, one day. This course will include lectures and demonstrations from USACE and FERC experts as well as hands-on exercises.
A workbook of required materials and online resources will be provided to participants. Participants must bring a laptop.
Registration & More Information – This course is team-taught by US Army Corps of Engineers and FERC D2SI RIDM Branch staff.
Professional Development Hours (PDH) 8 PDHs
(Registration subject to availability and is not guaranteed) Register at the following link: RMC Training (army.mil)
Hydrologic Hazard Analysis for L2RA Training Class
This training will provide an understanding of flood hazard theory and methodology and how to develop hydrologic loading curves for Level 2 Risk Analysis (L2RA) using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Risk Management Center RMC-BestFit and RMC-RFA tools. The training will provide participants with the knowledge and understanding needed to perform routine and non-routine Hydrologic Hazard Analysis (HHA) for Risk Analysis. Participants will learn how to:
- Perform and review Hydrologic Hazard Analysis using RMC BestFit and RMC-RFA software.
- Identify data needs for Hydrologic Hazard Analyses commensurate with the purpose, type, and level of Risk Analysis.
- Develop flow-, volume-, and stage-frequency curves.
- Interpret and communicate flood hazard analysis results.
Full agenda here.
We encourage licensees, consultants, and others interested to attend.
To register, send the following information to: [email protected]
Years of experience:
FERC licensee (Y/N):
The registration deadline is TBD.
Space is limited to 60 participants. Participants from the same company or organization may be limited if the demand is high.
Downloads & Course Materials
Link to training materials: Training Materials
This training course includes demonstrations of spreadsheet tools (toolboxes) from RMC software and hands-on learning activities. Participants are required to bring a laptop and to download and install the following before the training:
- RMC Toolboxes
- Visit www.rmc.usace.army.mil/Software/
- Click on “View Details” under each application: “RMC-RFA” and “RMC-BestFit”
- Click on the “Download” button and install the software
Other Risk Analysis Training Classes
Please refer to:
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Risk Management Center training page, at: https://www.rmc.usace.army.mil/Training/
- US Society on Dams training page, at: https://www.ussdams.org/conferences-workshops/
Surveillance & Monitoring