I've prepared my EQR data according to FERC guidelines but continue to get Critical Error messages which prevent the import of my transactions into the EQR application. Is this a program error?

No. Critical Errors which deny the import of CSV files are routinely found to be data preparation errors, not system program errors. Some of the most common data preparation errors include:

  • Failure to exactly match four transaction fields with four contract fields (Seller Company Name, Customer Company Name, FERC Tariff Reference, and Contract Service Agreement ID).
  • Entry of characters (such as N/A) in numeric fields.
  • Leaving required fields blank.
  • Improper formatting of dates/times.
  • Corruption of CSV data by opening it with Excel.

I'm ready to submit an EQR but am unable to send the report because a message says that my data has Validation Errors. I am able to successfully import the information so it must be correct. Is this a program error?

No. It is not a program error. This is a data preparation error message. There are two levels of error messages.

Critical Errors are egregious and prevent the system from importing data into the application.

Data with Validation Errors can be imported but the data must be corrected before submission to FERC can occur. In most cases, Data Validation Errors are caused by incomplete data being imported into the software.

I'm ready to submit an EQR but I am getting an error message which says that my PIN is invalid. What is the problem?

There are a few possible answers to this question. First, you should ensure that you have selected the correct company in your application for which you mean to make a submission. For example, if you are submitting EQRs for two separate company subsidiaries, ensure that you have selected the intended company for the selected PIN.

Secondly, remember that the application does not remember your PIN from quarter to quarter and that it must be entered each time you make a submission, even though it may appear that it has been retained by the software.

Thirdly, verify from your original records that the PIN is correct. If you have already done that, verify with [email protected] that your PIN is correct. If the PIN still does not work, contact staff at [email protected].

In the event of a program error, how can I locate and send my eqr.log file to FERC?

The eqr.log file should be on your computer in the directory where you installed the eqr software. To find the file:

  • Click the Start button.
  • Select Search.
  • Select Find file or folder.
  • Search for the file eqr.log on your computer.
  • You can right-click on the file when it is found and select to send it to an email recipient (most email programs have this installed).

This page was last updated on May 26, 2020