Contact Information
FERC Online SupportHours of Operation 8:00 -5:00 ET | TTY: 202-502-8659Telephone: 202-502-6652Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676Email: [email protected]
RM01-8-005 - Issued 03/25/04
Allows staff to make changes to restricted data fields in the EQR.
Order No. 2001-F - Issued 01/28/04
Request for clarification of Order 2001 and reporting of physical versus financial transactions.
Order 2001-E - Issued 12/23/03
Refines the EQR reporting requirements. Includes the adoption of mandatory standards for location fields, establishes an EQR Refiling Policy, and streamlines and defines the allowable entries for several fields.
Order No. 2001-D - Issued 03/28/03
Requires utilities to review their 4th quarter 2002 EQRs to look for certain errors, and to resubmit if necessary.
EQR Errata - Issued 01/08/03
Corrects Appendix A to include "Booked Out Power" as an allowable entry for the Product Name field.
EQR System Notice - Issued 12/20/02
Provides details on electric quarterly reports software availability and announces schedule for software demonstrations.
Order No. 2001-C - Issued 12/19/02
Directs filing of list of confirming contracts currently on file in tariffs and provides details on accessing the software to be used for electric quarterly reports to be filed on or before 01/31/03 and thereafter etc.
Order Granting Waiver of Order 2001 - Issued 11/01/02
Order grants Bridger Valley Electric, et. al., waiver of EQR filing requirements and establishes criteria for granting Order 2001 waivers.
Notice of Filing Guidance - Issued 10/21/02
Provides guidance to aid public utilities preparing their Electric Quarterly Report filings and to clarify previous instructions.
Order No. 2001-B - Issued 09/26/02
Addresses Motion to Vacate and Request for Rehearing of Errata Notice and Motion for Reconsideration and Request for Clarification of Order No. 2001.
Order No. 2001-A - Issued 7/18/02
Denies requests for rehearing, requests for stay and request for extension, and provides clarification on Final Rule.
Errata Notice - Issued 06/14/02
Corrects definition of rate information category from April 25, 2002 Commission's Final Rule.
Order on Interim Filing Guidance - Issued 05/31/02
Issues interim instruction manual for public utilities to use to file their electric quarterly reports.
Order No. 2001 - Issued 04/25/02
Final Rule - Amends the filing requirements for public utiltiies under the Federal Power Act to require public utilities to electronically file Electric Quarterly Reports etc under RM01-8-000.