Searching Instructions for FERC Project Databases
You may sort the FERC Project Databases by project or permit name, licensee or permittee, state, waterway, authorized capacity, and other data. Sorting these databases can help you find information on similar projects that may assist in developing an application. Once you have downloaded and opened the data file, the directions below will help you sort data into categories.
Sorting Projects or Permits
- Select the entire database by placing the cursor over the "Docket No." cell and clicking and holding down the left mouse button. Move the mouse to the right to highlight each header (the entire row will be highlighted) and then move the mouse down to highlight all of the project rows. Let go of the mouse. Each project row should be highlighted.
- Click on "Data" in the toolbar and select "Sort" from the drop-down menu.
- At the bottom of the "Sort" menu select "Header Row." This will change the options in the "Sort By" box to match the column headings.
- Select the header row or data for your primary sort. You may also select a secondary and a third header row for sorting.
- Select the header row or data for your primary sort. You may also select a secondary and a third header row for sorting.