Commissioner Bernard L. McNamee Statement
February 20, 2020
Docket Nos. CP17-495-000, CP17-494-000
Order: C-8
Statement Regarding Jordan Cove Energy Project L.P. and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, LP
Today, I voted not to issue an order addressing applications by (1) Jordan Cove Energy Project L.P. (Jordan Cove) to site, construct, and operate a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal and (2) Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, LP (Pacific Connector) for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct and operate a new interstate natural gas pipeline system (together, Jordan Cove Project).
My vote today not to issue an order on the Jordan Cove Project is without prejudice regarding the Commission’s pending action on the Project. This morning, it came to my attention that yesterday the State of Oregon’s Department of Land Conservation and Development made certain determinations about the Project and I want to have time to carefully consider those determinations.
As a Commission, we are required to make substantive decisions under the Natural Gas Act and NEPA while balancing our procedural obligation under FAST-41 to act in a timely manner. I will act on the Project application as quickly as I can, noting my responsibility to fully consider the facts and the law before me.