These are summaries of orders voted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at its July 25 public meeting. The summaries are produced by FERC’s Office of External Affairs and are intended to provide only a general synopsis of the orders. These summaries are not intended as a substitute for the Commission’s official orders. To determine the specific actions and the Commission’s reasoning, please consult the individual orders when they are posted to FERC’s eLibrary found at

E-1 | New York Independent System Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER24-95-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses New York Independent System Operator, Inc.’s (NYISO) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts NYISO’s filing, effective July 26, 2024. 

E-2 | ISO New England Inc., Docket No. ER24-138-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses ISO New England Inc.’s (ISO-NE) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts ISO-NE’s filing, effective July 26, 2024.

E-3 | California Independent System Operator Corporation, Docket No. ER24-155-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses California Independent System Operator Corporation’s (CAISO) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts CAISO’s filing, effective July 26, 2024.  

E-4 | PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Docket No. ER24-156-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.’s (PJM) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts PJM’s filing, effective July 26, 2024.

E-5 | Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., Docket No. ER24-165-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.’s (MISO) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts MISO’s filing, effective July 26, 2024, subject to further compliance.

E-6 | Southwest Power Pool, Inc., Docket No. ER24-289-000
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses Southwest Power Pool, Inc.’s (SPP) compliance filing with Credit-Related Information Sharing in Organized Wholesale Electric Markets, Order No. 895, in which the Commission required organized markets to have tariff provisions that (1) permit them to share with each other credit-related information; (2) permit them to use market participant credit-related information received from other organized markets to the same extent and for the same purpose as information received from their own market participants; and (3) require those organized markets receiving credit-related information from another organized market keep that information confidential as they would any other credit-related information received directly from their own market participants.  The order accepts SPP’s filing, effective July 26, 2024.  

E-7 | Sol Systems, LLC, Docket No. ER24-1606-000
Order Denying Waiver Request

The order denies Sol Systems, LLC’s request for waiver of certain provisions of Southwest Power Pool, Inc.’s generator interconnection procedures. 

E-8 | Southwest Power Pool, Inc., Docket No. ER24-1775-000
Commission Letter Order

The order accepts SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement congestion hedging improvements. 

E-9 | New York Power Authority, Docket No. EL24-86-000
Order on Petition for Declaratory Order

The order grants the New York Power Authority’s petition for declaratory order requesting authorization to recover 100 percent of its prudently incurred costs associated with its investment in the expansion of the East Garden City Substation in the event the project is canceled or abandoned for reasons beyond NYPA’s control. 

E-10 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Docket No. EL24-107-000
Order on Transmission Rate Incentives

The order grants Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) request for transmission incentives related to support work it will undertake in conjunction with four transmission projects identified in CAISO’s 2021-2022 transmission plan.  PG&E requests authorization to: (1) include 100% of prudently incurred Construction Work in Progress for the support work in rate base; and (2) recover 100% of prudently incurred costs of the support work if that work is abandoned for reasons beyond PG&E’s control.

E-13 | Canastota Windpower, LLC, et al., Docket No. ER13-760-002, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis and Notice of Change in Status

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region and a notice of change in status filed by Canastota Windpower, LLC, et al

E-14 | Allegheny Ridge Wind Farm, LLC, et al., Docket No. ER10-2527-011, et al. Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis and Notice of Change in Status

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region and a notice of change in status filed by Allegheny Ridge Wind Farm, LLC, et al.  

E-15 | Colonial Eagle Solar, LLC, et al., Docket No. ER16-355-004, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for Northeast region filed by Colonial Eagle Solar, LLC, et al.

E-16 | New Brunswick Energy Marketing Corporation, Docket No. ER14-225-008, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis and Notice of Change in Status and Terminating Section 206 Proceeding

The order accepts an updated market power analysis and a notice of change in status submitted by New Brunswick Energy Marketing Corporation (New Brunswick).  It also terminates a previously instituted proceeding under section 206 of the Federal Power Act regarding New Brunswick’s market power in its balancing authority area. 

E-17 | American Municipal Power, Inc., Office of the People’s Counsel for the District of Columbia, and the PJM Industrial Customer Coalition v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Docket No. EL22-80-000; PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Docket No. EL22-85-000
Order Addressing Complaint and FPA Section 206 Filing and Establishing Paper Hearing Procedures

The order addresses a complaint submitted by American Municipal Power, Inc., Office of the People’s Counsel for the District of Columbia and the PJM Industrial Customer Coalition alleging that PJM failed to execute Designated Entity Agreements with each entity designated to construct a transmission project.  The order also addresses PJM’s own request that the Commission revise Schedule 6, section 1.5.8 of the Operating Agreement governing its RTEP process and associated requirements for Designated Entity Agreements.  The order grants the complaint in part denies the complaint in part. The order also grants PJM’s FPA section 206 filing in part and denies PJM’s FPA section 206 filing in part. The order directs PJM to submit a compliance filing within 30 days of the date of issuance of the order and establishes paper hearing procedures to develop a further record to determine PJM’s responsibilities regarding Designated Entity Agreement requirements for certain in-progress RTEP projects. 

E-18 | PJM Interconnection, LLC., Docket No. ER22-962-005
Order on Compliance Filing

The order addresses PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.’s (PJM) compliance filing with Order No. 2222, in which the Commission adopted reforms to remove barriers to the participation of distributed energy resource aggregations in the RTO/ISO markets.  The order accepts PJM’s filing subject to a further compliance filing.

G-1 | TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP, Docket No. IS20-108-001, et al.
Order on Initial Decision

The order addresses exceptions to the February 16, 2023, initial decision regarding a complaint and protested tariff filings related to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P.’s (Keystone) variable rates for crude oil transportation under the transportation service agreements between Keystone and certain committed shippers. The order affirms the initial decision in part and reverses the initial decision in part.

C-1 | ANR Pipeline Company, Docket No. CP23-523-000
Order Issuing Certificate and Approving Abandonment

The order authorizes ANR Pipeline Company to abandon and replace approximately 33 miles of 30-inch-diameter pipeline in Richland and West Carroll Parishes, Louisiana, to improve the integrity and reliability of its system. The project will not create new transportation capacity.

H-1 | RAMM Power Group, LLC, Project Nos. 15248-000 and 14869-000
Order Issuing Preliminary Permit 

The order denies an extension of time request for the preliminary permit issued to RAMM Power Group under Project No. 14869 and issues RAMM Power Group, LLC a preliminary permit in Project No. 15248 to study the feasibility of developing the 150-megawatt Sacaton Energy Storage Project, to be located in Pinal County, Arizona. 

H-2 | New England Hydropower Company, LLC, Project No. 15327-000
Order Issuing Preliminary Permit

The order issues New England Hydropower Company, LLC a preliminary permit to study the feasibility of developing the 500-kilowatt Middlebury Falls Hydroelectric Project to be located on Otter Creek in Addison County, Vermont.

H-3 | LinkPast Solutions, Inc., Project No. 15302-001
Order Denying Preliminary Permit Application

The order denies LinkPast Solutions, Inc.’s preliminary permit application to study the feasibility of the 5.5-megawatt Sewalls Island Hydro Project, located on the Black River in the City of Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, at the site of the existing Sewalls Island Development, a component of Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.’s (Erie) Black River Hydroelectric Project No. 2569.  The order finds that LinkPast’s proposed project could substantially alter Erie’s operations at the Sewalls Island Development in contravention of section 6 of the Federal Power Act. 

H-4 | Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P., Project No. 2701-066|
Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing and Setting Aside Prior Order

The order sets aside in part the October 2, 2023, Notice Denying Late Intervention, and grants Citizens for Hinckley Lake’s late motion to intervene in Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.’s (Erie) application for new license proceeding for the West Canada Creek Hydroelectric Project No. 2701.

H-5 | BIF III Holtwood, LLC, Project No. 1881-110
Order Modifying and Approving Revised Debris Management Plan

The order modifies and approves the licensee's proposed upstream boat barrier debris management plan filed November 30, 2022, for the Holtwood Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 188.

H-6 | River Roar Energy LLC, Docket No. CD24-2-001
Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing

The order addresses arguments raised on rehearing by River Roar Energy LLC of the Commission's May 6, 2024, letter order rejecting River Roar Energy LLC's notice of intent to construct a qualifying conduit hydropower facility in Rutland County, Vermont. The order further explains and sustains the result of the May 6 letter order.

H-7 | Green Mountain Power Corporation, Project No. 5261-024
Order Addressing Arguments on Rehearing and Denying Clarification

The order addresses arguments raised on rehearing filed by Green Mountain Power Corporation regarding downstream fish passage flow requirements in the subsequent license issued on March 28, 2024, for the 365-kilowatt Newbury Hydroelectric Project No. 5261, located on the Wells River in the town of Newbury in Orange County, Vermont. The order further explains and sustains the result of the March 28 order.  It also denies the licensee’s request for clarification.

H-8 | ECOsponsible, LLC, Project No. 9709-073
Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing and Setting Aside Prior Order in Part

The order responds to arguments raised on rehearing by Dennis Ryan, Jr. of an April 3, 2024, delegated letter order in which Commission staff rejected a Notice of Intent and Pre-Application Document for the Herkimer Hydroelectric Project No. 9709, proposed to be located on West Canada Creek in Herkimer County, New York.  The order further explains and sets aside, in part, the April 2024 Letter Order.

H-9 | Antelope Valley Water Storage LLC, Docket No. DI22-5-001
Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing

The order addresses the rehearing request by Antelope Valley Water Storage LLC of Commission staff’s March 21, 2024, order finding licensing is required for the proposed Antelope Valley Water Storage Aquifer Pumped Hydroelectric Project, to be located at the Antelope Valley Groundwater Basin in Rosamond, Kern County, California.  The order further explains and sustains the Commission staff’s March 21, 2024, order finding that licensing is required because the project would use water from the California State Water Project, which is water from navigable waters.  In addition, the project would include an intake “in” a non-navigable Commerce Clause stream, constructed after 1935, and would affect interstate commerce, which meets the Commission’s three-part test for mandatory licensing.

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This page was last updated on July 25, 2024