About the Office of Public Participation

The Office of Public Participation’s (OPP) mission is to empower, promote, and support public voices at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or the Commission). OPP achieves this mission through direct outreach and education to help people understand: 

  1. How FERC works 
  2. What industry/program areas FERC covers 
  3. How to participate in FERC proceedings 

OPP assists landowners, Tribal governments and members, local communities, small businesses, teachers and students, and anyone else affected by and interested in FERC proceedings by providing information on individual proceedings and responding to requests for technical assistance. OPP will not assist in the actual drafting of pleadings and other submissions, but it can provide guidance and instruction on how to effectively intervene, comment, file motions, or seek rehearing. 

OPP also works with other FERC program offices to help FERC improve public access and create procedures that are inclusive, fair, and easy to navigate. This collaboration better ensures that the concerns of Tribal governments and communities and local communities are fully and fairly considered in Commission proceedings. 

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This page was last updated on February 11, 2025