• September 10, 2020 - The Office of Enforcement, Division of Accounting and Audits will host an Electric Quarterly Report users group meeting on September 23, 2020.  The Commission today issued a Supplemental Notice with the meeting agenda and registration details.  Please register for the meeting through the WebEx link provided on the event  page.  Meeting materials will be posted to the event page prior to the meeting. Event Page;  Supplemental Notice and Meeting Agenda
  • August 24, 2020 - The Commission today issued an Order on Intent to Revoke Market-Based Rate Authority for six public utilities which failed to file Electric Quarterly Reports as specified in Order No. 2001.  See Docket Nos. ER02-2001-020 et al. Access the order here.
  • August 3, 2020 - The Office of Enforcement, Division of Accounting and Audits will host an Electric Quarterly Report users group meeting on September 23, 2020. Staff intends to host this meeting electronically using WebEx, or another comparable platform.  An agenda will be issued prior to the meeting. Event Page;   Meeting Notice
  • July 29, 2020 - An update was made to allow entry of the Balancing Authority BCHA (B.C. Hydro & Power Authority) and the Balancing Authority ONT (Ontario - Independent Electricity System Operator) in Field 57, Point of Delivery Balancing Authority (PODBA).  Please see “Allowable Entries for Balancing Authorities and Hubs” (link) for a list of current allowable entries.
  • July 15, 2020 - Please note that Validation Rule F.31.01 described below (July 10, 2020) has been temporarily changed from an error message to a warning message to allow additional time to make any necessary updates. A warning message will not prevent the submission of the EQR.  Please reference staff guidance for resolving this warning message here. Please reference the Change Log and/or Release Notes for a summary of the update.
  • July 10, 2020 – As reflected in the Electric Quarterly Report Change Log and Release Notes update 3.7.2, dated June 1, 2020, two validation rules were added effective for the reporting period beginning Q2-2020, that will result in an Error Message.  Validation Rule F.31.01: Any Seller for a given company must be either an Agent or Account Manager for that company and Validation Rule F.31.02: There should be only one Agent Contact per filing (hardened for XML submissions).  Please reference the Change Log and/or Release Notes for a summary of the update.
  • June 18, 2020 - Order Revising and Clarifying Electric Quarterly Report Reporting Requirements.  Access the Order here.
  • April 2, 2020 - The Commission issued a Notice Granting Extension of Time until June 1, 2020 for filing 2020-Q1 EQR.
  • March 16, 2020 - Electric Quarterly Report Release Notes Update 3.7; two validation rules for Transactions were added that result in an Error Message, these are effective for the reporting period beginning Q1 2020. Please reference the EQR Release Notes for Validation Rule F.30.46 and Validation Rule F.30.47  for a summary of the modification.
  • February 27, 2020 - FERC today approved an Notice of Revocation of Market Based Rate Authority for thirteen public utilities who have failed to file Electric Quarterly Reports as specified in Order No. 2001. ER02-2001-020 
  • December 4, 2019 - EQR Users Group Meeting Notice | Reassessment | Reporting 
  • December 2, 2019 - Electric Quarterly Report Release Notes Update 3.6; five previous validation rules for transactions were revised to result in an error, rather than a warning. The revisions will be in effect for the reporting period beginning Q4 2019. Please reference the EQR Release Notes  for a summary of upgrades, modifications, or corrections to the EQR filing system.
  • November 26, 2019 - FERC staff has added two new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist filers in submitting the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR). These FAQ’s can be identified by the date “as of 11/26/2019.” The EQR FAQ webpage can be found here Frequently Asked Questions.
  • February 14, 2019 - EQR Users Group Meeting Notice | Supplemental Notice with Agenda | Presentation 
  • June 5, 2018 - EQR Users Group Meeting Notice 
  • May 17, 2018 - FERC staff has added seven new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist EQR filers in submitting the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR). These FAQ’s can be identified by the date “as of 5/16/2018”. 
  • February 1, 2018 - Staff is planning a Spring 2018 EQR User Group meeting and is asking for user input on topics specific to using EQR data. Recent meetings focused on issues pertaining primarily to EQR filers. At the Spring meeting, staff will dedicate time to discuss issues relevant to those accessing and using EQR data. Email feedback to [email protected]. Staff expects to issue a save-the-date Notice in the coming weeks.
  • November 22, 2017 - EQR User Group Meeting December 5, 2017 Notice | Agenda 
  • November 15, 2017 - Staff has posted an updated Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide . The Guide is intended to assist filers in submitting their information accurately in the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR). The Guide provides staff filing guidance along with corresponding references to relevant Commission orders. Embedded hyperlinks allow the reader to navigate among the various topic items within the Guide.
  • November 9, 2017 - EQR Update 3.5: In order to enhance the system notifications, FERC staff has updated the EQR system to include submitted file names within the email receipts sent to EQR filers upon submission of their filings.

    As a result of adding file names into the automatic email receipts, FERC staff updated the Submission Service Object. Therefore, all users of third party software must obtain the latest “FormsSubmissionService” linked below and update their submission service object to be compatible with this new release: http://eqrformssubmissionservice.ferc.gov/FormsSubmissionService.svc

  • June 28, 2017 - FERC staff has updated the EQR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for improved guidance and enhanced usability. Read More
  • May 16, 2017 - EQR Users Group Meeting: to discuss potential improvements to the EQR program and the EQR filing process. For more information and to register for this free event. Agenda | Notice |
  • May 2, 2017 - The technical issue preventing certain filers from submitting their Q1 2017 EQR filings using XML by Monday, May 1, has been resolved. Affected filers should submit their EQR filings no later than Friday, May 5.
  • May 1, 2017 - FERC staff is aware that some filers have been experiencing difficulty when trying to submit EQR filings using XML. Staff continues to troubleshoot the issue. Although the deadline for Q1 2017 EQR filings is today (May 1), filers do not need to submit an extension request if encountering this problem. A subsequent staff announcement will be made when the problem is resolved.
  • April 12, 2017 - Notice of Deactivation of EQR Sandbox Electronic Test Site Notice
  • March 29, 2017
    • FERC to Convene an EQR Users Group Meeting on May 16, 2017 Notice 
    • Notice of Extension of Time was issued for reporting a new Contract Unique ID (Field No. 15) when there is a new Commencement Date of Contract Terms (Field No. 22) Notice of Extension of Time
    • FERC Staff provides guidance for reporting in sub-hourly increments Staff has received inquiries from EQR filers concerning the requirement to report contracts and transactions that occur on a sub-hourly basis, i.e. in five-minute or fifteen-minute increments, as applicable, in Field Numbers 28 and 61 (“Increment Name”).
    • The December 5, 2016 Order on Rehearing and Clarification (December Order) at P 49 stated that, if an RTO or ISO has not completed the transition to a sub-hourly settlement interval, then the market participants in that RTO or ISO will not be required to report information in the EQR using a sub-hourly “Increment Name.”
    • The December Order also stated that market participants will be able to report their information in sub-hourly increments because they will receive settlement data from the RTO or ISO in sub-hourly increments after the RTO or ISO transitions to sub-hourly settlement intervals and that data will be used to report information in the EQR. Staff recognizes that CAISO and NYISO have been found to comply fully with Order No. 825. Therefore, staff expects market participants in CAISO and NYISO to report information in the EQR on a sub-hourly basis upon receipt of the settlement data from the ISO in sub-hourly increments.
    • However, at this time, ISO-NE, MISO, PJM and SPP have not been found to comply fully with the sub-hourly settlement requirement in Order No. 825. Therefore, staff does not expect market participants in ISO-NE, MISO, PJM and SPP to file information in the EQR on a sub-hourly basis until the effective date of the relevant RTO’s compliance with the sub-hourly settlement requirement in Order No. 825 and upon receipt of the settlement data from the RTO in sub-hourly increments. If an RTO or ISO market participant is capable of reporting information on a sub-hourly basis earlier, it may do so. 
  • January 17, 2017 - Recently all FERC external servers have been updated to match required SSL protocol. This update includes the direct XML service for EQR users to submit their quarterly filings thru any 3rd party software. Read More 
  • January 12, 2017 - EQR Update 3.4 (updated): FERC staff has updated the Data Dictionary and the XML schema to be used beginning with EQR filings for the period Q1 2017. These documents include updates made in the June 16 and December 5, 2016 orders issued in Docket No. RM01-8, et al. The Primary Frequency Response product has been added to the Data Dictionary pursuant to Order No. 819. Data Dictionary | Data Dictionary (redlined version) | XML schema Structure  | Data Value 
  • December 5, 2016 - Order RM01-8-013: Commission issues EQR Order on Rehearing and Clarification regarding Filing Requirements for Electric Utility Service Agreements Order
  • November 17, 2016 - EQR Users Group Meeting: Commission staff will facilitate a meeting with EQR users on December 8, 2016, from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST to discuss potential improvements to the EQR program and the EQR filing process. For more information and to register for this free event, please check.
  • November 10, 2016 - Order RM01-8-000: Extends Compliance Effective Date of the June 16 Order (RM01-8, et al.) issued on November 7, 2016 Order
  • June 16, 2016 - Item E-7: FERC clarifies EQR reporting requirements and revises EQR Data Dictionary Order

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This page was last updated on September 01, 2021