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This is a first-of-its-kind effort to ensure important cooperation between federal and state regulators, via partnership between FERC and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), on electric transmission-related issues. The Task Force will focus on topics related to planning and paying for transmission, including transmission to facilitate generator interconnection, that provides benefits from a federal and state perspective.  

FERC and NARUC announced the Task Force when FERC established the Task Force on June 17, 2021 in Docket No. AD21-15-000. The Task Force is comprised of all FERC Commissioners and 10 state commissioner representatives, nominated by NARUC and affirmed by FERC. The Task Force will convene for multiple formal meetings annually, which will be open to the public for listening and observing and will be on the record.  All FERC issuances related to the Task Force, as well as submissions from NARUC and interested parties related to the Task Force, will be included in the Task Force docket (AD21‑15‑000) and available on FERC’s website via eLibrary.

Task Force Background

Our nation’s continued energy transition requires the efficient development of new transmission infrastructure. Federal and state regulators must address numerous transmission-related issues, including how to plan and pay for new transmission infrastructure and how to navigate shared federal-state regulatory authority and processes. As a result, the time is ripe for greater federal-state coordination and cooperation.

Task Force Members

Task Force Meetings

Contact Information

For questions related to the Task Force, please contact Cameron Schilling, 202-502-8202, [email protected]; Robert Thormeyer, 202-502-8694, [email protected]; Sarah McKinley, 202-502-8368, [email protected].

Contact Information

This page was last updated on March 05, 2024