September 9, 2021

  • Beginning on October 1, 2021, the eForms system will change from a test-only system to a system that allows both official and test submissions.
  • All submissions made after September 30, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern Prevailing Time must be made in the new eForms XBRL system. As of this date and time, filings will no longer be accepted in the Visual FoxPro system (see Notice of eForms Updates, Termination of Visual FoxPro Filings, and Extension of Filing Deadlines, Docket No. RM19-12-000 (March 23, 2021)).
  • As a reminder, the deadlines for filing the following forms have been extended:
Form Original Deadline Extension Deadline

Third Quarter Form No. 3-Q (electric) for Major Electric Utilities, Licensees

November 29, 2021

December 31, 2021

Third Quarter FERC Form No. 3-Q (electric) for Non-major Public Utilities and Licensees

December 9, 2021

December 31, 2021

Third Quarter FERC Form No. 3-Q (natural gas) for Major Natural Gas Companies

November 29, 2021

December 31, 2021

Third Quarter FERC Form No. 3-Q (natural gas) for Non-major Gas Companies

December 9, 2021

December 31, 2021

Third Quarter FERC Form No. 6-Q for Oil Pipeline Companies

December 9, 2021

December 31, 2021

RSS Feed

Known Issues

Number Issues Status


The eForms portal is displaying the original company name assigned to the CID, not the most recent company name.

Solution planned for 2022.


The instructions on the rendered form pages are not current.

Updates will be released with the next taxonomy.


Numerous issues with the validation rules and rendering have been submitted.

Updates to the vendor file library files (validation and rendering zip files) will be published on this page before October 1, 2021.


Restrictions on the XHTML content in text block items and footnotes are needed to ensure that XHTML content is rendered correctly, inappropriate code is not executed, and that FERC systems are secure.

A “Construction of XHTML in the Filing” section will be added to the Draft eForms Filing Manual detailing these rules and will be posted on this page before October 1, 2021.


Additional restrictions on the content of the instance file, in addition to what the XBRL specification defines as a valid instance file, will eliminate inadvertent errors, reduce file sizes and ease the processing burden on filers and users of the data.

A “Data Filing Syntax” section will be added to the Draft eForms Filing Manual detailing these rules and will be posted on this page before October 1, 2021.


August 11, 2021

Submitting Taxonomy Comments

Please post any comments on the taxonomy through the Commission’s comment portal available at  Commission staff is actively monitoring the portal and we encourage filers and vendors to post their comments using the portal so they are publicly available.

The portal uses a program called Yeti for viewing and commenting on taxonomies that is open to everyone. If you would like to add comments to the taxonomy, please create a Yeti account by clicking “Sign Up”, and then go to “Profile” and “Review Groups” to add your new account to the public review group.  Instructions on how to use Yeti can be found in the FERC Yeti Taxonomy Viewer Guide.

July 22, 2021

Filers must have a Company Identifier (CID) to access their data or file in the new system. Vendors developing filing solutions must contact the FERC Company Registration team via email (click this link) to be assigned a specific vendor CID. Below are some commonly asked questions.  More information can also be found on the Company Registration webpage:

  • How do I find out if my company already has a CID?
  1. Option one is to look through the lists of companies with CIDs across all programs (electric, natural gas and oil) these are published monthly on FERC’s website. Below are the links to each industry:

o   Electric: > “Quick Links” box on the right links to excel files that provide the full list of companies with CIDs under the electric programs in addition to all companies with CIDs under all other eTariff programs.

o   Natural Gas: > Interstate Pipelines under the Natural Gas Act XLS & Intrastate and Hinshaw Pipelines under Part 284 of the Commission’s Regulations XLS

o   Oil: > Interstate Oil Pipelines under the Interstate Commerce Act XLS

2. Option 2 is to search through the MBR Portal:

  • How do I find out the point of contact that set up an existing CID?

The list of individual eRegistered Account Managers associated with each CID is not public.  Therefore, you must contact FERC Online Support to request this information:  Local: 202-502-6652 | Toll-free: 866-208-3676 | email: [email protected]

  • For all other information on Company Registration like how to set up a new CID, add and remove Agents, and identify Account Managers:

Please refer to the Company Registration Instruction Manual and the Company Registration webpage.

April 15, 2021

Release version 1.5 of all XBRL taxonomies have been published in The updated validation rules, rendering files, and other items are found below the following announcements:

  • The eForms system has incorporated all updated (Release 1.5) taxonomies, validation rules, and rendering files. Submit your files using the latest version of the taxonomy, all previous versions will are no longer supported. Please refer to the Taxonomy History screen in the eForms Portal at for the correct taxonomy version and filing periods.
  • The eForms portal is found on the eCollection domain:, and is in a test-only state until October 1, 2021.
  • Staff is migrating 10 years of data from the VFP system to the new XBRL system, because of this on September 31, 2021 all test filings in the eForms portal will be removed and replaced with the migrated data.
  • Filers must have a Company Identifier (CID) to access their data or file in the new system. Please see the Company Registration page for information on how to obtain or identify your CID.
  • Vendors developing filing solutions must contact the Company Registration team via email (click this link) to be assigned a specific vendor CID.
  • Please provide comments on the taxonomy through or by contacting the eForms Refresh team at the phone number and email listed on this page.

Included below is an up-to-date file library with file types and publication dates:

  • Taxonomy Change Log (xlsx) (4/15/2021):  This is a running list of the changes Commission staff has made to the updated taxonomies
  • Validation
    The validation rules are coded in XULE and published as a ruleset file. There is a ruleset file for each form category (i.e. Form 1, Form 2, Form 6, Form 60, and Form 714). These rules can be run against the XBRL instance document using the XULE plugin included in Arelle.

March 23, 2021

Notice of Eforms Updates, Termination of Visual Foxpro Filings, And Extension of Filing Deadlines re Revisions to the Filing Process for Commission Forms.

Notice: RM19-12-000

December 18, 2020 

The update to the final XBRL taxonomy adopted in the July 17, 2020 Order on Technical Conference (Docket No. RM19-12-000) will be released by April 2021. No interim updates will be published prior to April 2021. 

  • The eForms portal is found on the new eCollection domain:, and is in a test-only state until Fall 2021.
  • Filers must have a Company Identifier (CID) to access their data or file in the new system. Please see the Company Registration page for information on how to obtain or identify your CID.
  • Vendors developing filing solutions must contact the Company Registration team via email (click this link) to be assigned a specific vendor CID.
  • Please provide comments on the taxonomy through the Yeti review tool or by contacting the eForms Refresh team at the phone number and email address included to the right. The Yeti review tool has been transferred to a new domain, and remains open for all comments: (please see the Yeti Review Tool section below)

Included below is an up-to-date listing of the eForms-related files. The July 16, 2020 entry on this page will remain included for reference.

File Library with publication dates:

  • Taxonomy Change Log:

This PDF is a running list of the changes Commission staff plans to make  to the updated taxonomy that will be published by April 2021. 

eForms Taxonomy Change Log  (PDF) December 4, 2020

  • Submission API

FERC Submission API Step by step guide (PDF) December 4, 2020

JSON collection file (zip) December 4, 2020

  • Rendering code:

To render the XBRL file as an HTML (Inline XBRL) form the FERC renderer is used. The rendering code is included as an Arelle plugin that uses a form specific template set to generate the rendering of the filing. Please see the ReadMe file in the zip below.

Rendering Code December 4, 2020

  • Validation rules:

The validation rules are coded in XULE and published as a ruleset file. There is a ruleset file for each form category (i.e. Form 1, Form 2, Form 6, Form 60, and Form 714). These rules can be run against the XBRL instance document using the XULE plugin included in Arelle. 

Validation Rules Instruction (PDF)  July 16, 2020

Validation Rules (zip) July 16, 2020

  • Blank Rendered Forms:

These are provided for reference to show how the forms render with no data.

Blank Rendered Forms (zip) July 16, 2020

  • HTML (Inline XBRL) renderings for a subset of the sample data:

Sample Renderings 1 (zip)  July 16, 2020

Sample Renderings 2 (zip) July 16, 2020

  • 2018 Sample Data:

FERC Form No. 1 (Part 1) (zip) July 16, 2020

FERC Form No. 1 (Part 2) (zip) July 16, 2020

FERC Form No. 1-F has no historical data, please use this sample FERC Form No. 1-F instance file to test the system (zip)

FERC Form No. 2 (zip) July 16, 2020

FERC Form No. 6 (zip) July 16, 2020

FERC Form No. 60 (zip) July 16, 2020

FERC Form No. 714 (zip) July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020

  • Order on Technical Conference (Docket No. RM19-12-000) Order
  • eForms System Deployed

The new eForms portal has been deployed in a test-only state. The submission system is fully functional, but will not write data to the Commission’s database or file any submissions into eLibrary. Filers can access sample 2018 data for their company through the portal, this data was migrated from the Visual FoxPro database, and the entire 2018 sample dataset has been zipped by form and available for download at the links below. This data is for testing use only and will be replaced prior to the implementation deadline for the first filing in the eForms system. Filers must have a Company Identifier (CID) to access their data or file in the new system. Please see the Company Registration page for information on how to obtain or identify your CID. Vendors developing filing solutions are also encouraged to contact the Company Registration team via email to be assigned a specific vendor CID. Please provide comments on the taxonomy through the Yeti review tool  or contact the eForms Refresh team at the phone and email address to the right.

March 24-26, 2020

Technical Conference Information

Commission Actions

March 18, 2020 - Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference (RM19-12-000) Notice

March 13, 2020 - Notice of Change in Technical Conference to attendance via webcast only (RM19-12-000) Notice

January 14, 2020 - Conference Rescheduled: FERC Will Convene a Technical Conference regarding Revisions to the Filing Process for Commission Forms on March 24-26, 2020 (Originally scheduled February 4-6, 2020) Notice of Rescheduling | Event Details

December 16, 2019 - Notice of Technical Conference Notice (RM19-12-000)

June 20, 2019 - FERC Revisions to the Filing Process for Commission Forms Order No. 859 (RM19-12-000)

January 17, 2019 - Revisions to the Filing Process for Commission Forms (RM19-12-000) NOPR

April  25,  2015  - Electronic Filing Protocols for Commission Forms (AD15-11-000) Notice

Draft Filing Documents

User Review and feedback is welcomed regarding the following documents:

Yeti Review Tool

Yeti is a review tool for viewing and commenting on XBRL taxonomies and is open to everyone to view the taxonomies. If you would like to add comments to the taxonomy, please create a new account by clicking “Sign Up” (no previous accounts were migrated), and then go to “Profile” and “Review Groups” to add your new account to the public review group. More information on how to use Yeti can be found in the FERC Yeti Taxonomy Viewer Guide  for instructions on how to use the tool.

Project Description

The Commission intends to replace its current electronic filing format for FERC Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2- A, 3-Q electric, 3-Q natural gas, 6, 6-Q, 60, and 714 with a type of Extensible Markup Language (XML) called eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). The use of XBRL should make the information in these forms easier for filers and data users to analyze and assist in automating regulatory filings and business information processing. In addition, the Commission believes that transitioning to XBRL will decrease the costs, over time, of preparing the necessary data for submission and complying with future changes to filing requirements set forth by the Commission. 

The following Forms are affected by this:


FERC Form No. 1: Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Others;

FERC Form No. 1-F: Annual Report of Non-major Public Utilities and Licensees;

FERC Form No. 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies; and

FERC Form No. 714: Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report.


FERC Form No. 2: Annual Report for Major Natural Gas Companies;

FERC Form No. 2A: Annual Report for Non-major Natural Gas Companies; and

FERC Form No. 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies.


FERC Form No. 6: Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies; and

FERC Form No. 6-Q: Quarterly Report of Oil Pipeline Companies.

Service Companies

FERC Form No. 60: Annual Report of Centralized Service Companies.

Contact Information

This page was last updated on March 31, 2023