D.C. Cir. No. 21-1166
Order conditionally accepting Installed Capacity (ICAP) Demand Curve reset -- proposed revisions defining the demand curves in the ICAP Market for the 2021/2022 Capability Year, and identifying the methodologies and inputs to be used for subsequent, annual updates to the ICAP Demand Curves for the 2022/2023, 2023/2024, and 2024/2025 Capability Years. New York Independent System Operator, Inc., 175 FERC ¶ 61,012 (2021), notice of denial of reh’g by operation of law, 175 FERC ¶ 62,159 (2021).
Order conditionally accepting Installed Capacity (ICAP) Demand Curve reset -- proposed revisions defining the demand curves in the ICAP Market for the 2021/2022 Capability Year, and identifying the methodologies and inputs to be used for subsequent, annual updates to the ICAP Demand Curves for the 2022/2023, 2023/2024, and 2024/2025 Capability Years. New York Independent System Operator, Inc., 175 FERC ¶ 61,012 (2021), notice of denial of reh’g by operation of law, 175 FERC ¶ 62,159 (2021).