The Commission in Order No. 890-A, issued December 28, 2007, and published in the Federal Register on January 16, 2008, adopted further reforms to the pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) which requires transmission providers to submit additional OATT compliance filings to reflect such reforms. Please visit our OATT Reform - Summary of Compliance Filing Requirements section to learn more on the submission deadlines.
The compliance filings must be submitted using the Commission's electronic filing system utilizing the eTariff format. On the Electric menu, select the filing type "eTariff".
The Commission’s electronic filing system can be accessed on its web site under Documents and Filing section. Note: An eRegister account is required for all persons logging in to the system and for persons who will be listed as a primary contact or person responsible for the filing.
File in Hardcopy or Digital
All official communication to FERC on a specific case or proceeding must be filed using eFiling, mail or delivery services. When filing documents related to existing proceedings and cases, you should include the docket number in your filing.
Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to:
Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E., Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426
Note: Filings made through the United States Postal Service are subject to irradiation that may alter some contents. Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to:
Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852
Please include the following information in writing (fax, email or mailed letter):
When you make your request be as specific as possible.
Include as many relevant names, dates, places, events, subjects, etc.; and
Do you want records associated with a particular proceeding? Provide the docket number.
Include a statement of your willingness to pay a reasonable fee (the cost of duplication of records not available in the Public Reference Room will depend on the number of documents requested, the time necessary to locate the documents requested, and the category of the persons requesting the records), or
The maximum fee you are willing to pay; or
A request for a waiver or reduction of fees.
Your request must identify your interests. Are you requesting information for commercial interests, press/educational interests, or other interests?
Clearly mark your request (email, fax or letter) and your (subject line, cover letter or envelope, respectively) with the statement "Freedom of Information Act Request."
Email your request directly to FOIA's Public Liaison at [email protected]. Even if you want information from a regional office, do not send it to their address.
Service Center
The Commission's FOIA Service Center is the first place a FOIA requester may come to seek information concerning the status of their FOIA request and appropriate information about the agency's FOIA response. Service Center number: 202-502-6088.
FOIA Public Liaison
In compliance with the December 14, 2005 Executive Order, the Chief FOIA Office has designated Toyia Johnson as the FOIA Public Liaison. A requester can raise concerns about the service the FOIA requester has received from the Center and/or the FOIA response from the Commission by contacting Toyia Johnson via email: [email protected] or phone: 202-502-8004.
Chief FOIA Officer
In further compliance with Executive Order 13,292 issued December 14, 2005, the Commission has designated Leonard Tao, Director of the Office of External Affairs, as Chief FOIA Officer.
Please include the following information in writing (fax, email or mailed letter):
When you make your request be as specific as possible.
Include as many relevant names, dates, places, events, subjects, etc.; and
Do you want records associated with a particular proceeding? Provide the docket number.
Include a statement of your willingness to pay a reasonable fee or
The maximum fee you are willing to pay; or
A request for a waiver or reduction of fees.
Your request must identify your interests. Are you requesting information for commercial interests, press/educational interests, or other interests? You must specify.
Clearly mark your request (email, fax or letter) and your (subject line, cover letter or envelope, respectively) with the statement "Freedom of Information Act Request."
A statement setting forth the reasons why your request should be expedited.
Certify that the reasons you give are true and correct.
Send your request to FERC's FOIA Officer.
FOIA Officer:
Leonard Tao, Director
Office of External Affairs
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Room 11H-1
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Note: The FOIA office will notify you of its decision about whether to grant expedited processing within ten days of receiving your letter.
If the Commission denies your request for expedited processing, you will be advised of your right to submit an administrative appeal, which will be handled expeditiously.
Please include the following information in writing (email, fax or mailed letter):
Write a brief statement that addresses what action you are appealing;
Include your name, your initial request number and the date of the Commission's action;
If for some reason a number was not assigned, include a copy of the determination letter; and
Please do not attach copies of the released documents unless they pertain to some specific point you are raising in your appeal.
If you believe that there are additional records that have not been located in response to your request, include why you think they exist and perhaps, where you believe they may be located;
Clearly mark your request (email, fax or mailed letter) and your subject line, cover letter or envelope respectively with the statement "Freedom of Information Act Appeal;" and
Send your appeal to FERC Headquarters in Washington, DC.
Send to:
James Danly
General Counsel
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Room 10A-01
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Please include the following information in writing (fax, email or mailed letter):
Be specific as possible. In your request include all relevant names, places and dates.
Your contact and identifying information:
Your name
Your title (attorney, private citizen etc.)
Your address
Your telephone number
If you are filing the CEII request on behalf of a person or entity other then yourself, you must also include that person or entity's contact information:
Telephone number
Provide a detailed statement explaining the particular need for and intended use of the information.
Provide an executed non-disclosure agreement requiring the adherence to limitations on the use and disclosure of the information requested.
A requester who seeks the information on behalf of all employees of an organization should clearly state that the information is sought for the organization, that the requester is authorized to seek the information on behalf of the organization, and that all the requesters agree to be bound by a non-disclosure agreement that must be executed by and will be applied to all individuals who have access to the CEII.
Send your request to our CEII Officer:
CEII Officer:
Leonard Tao, Director
Office of External Affairs
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
The following procedures apply to persons filing information that warrants special treatment as Critical Energy/Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII), Privileged, or Protected. The procedures vary depending on whether the material is filed via the Commission's eFiling system, submitted on CD/DVD, or filed on paper. Additional guidelines on information considered to be CEII is available at the link on the bottom of this page.
FERC is not responsible for detecting and correcting filer errors, including those related to security designation. It is the filer's responsibility to file and label the documents correctly and to ensure that each volume and CD/DVD includes only information with the identical security level. If the security level of a document, page, CD/DVD, or file is not marked properly, it may be treated as "public."
For electronic submission via the eFiling system:
Organize Public, Privileged, and CEII files in different folders or directories according to security classification to minimize errors in selecting and uploading files during eFiling.
File names, which can now be up to 60 characters long (including the dot and file extension), should also begin with "Public", "Priv", "CEII" to clearly indicate the security status The file name must contain only one period immediately before the suffix for the file format.
Select the appropriate Security tab (Public, Privileged, or CEII) to upload the files for each security level. You may upload as many as 200 files under each tab - all files must be less than 50 Mb. The eFiling system allows the user to correct the security designation for files prior to submission.
Protected Material can be uploaded in the Privileged Security tab.
For filings on CD/DVD:
Each Security (Public, Privileged, CEII, Protected) must be filed on separate CD/DVD’s.
FERC does not accept filings on other media such as thumb-drives or portable HDD’s ect.
Filings should be made via express or courier delivery services. Filing using the USPS often renders media unreadable.
Each CD/DVD will be labeled with the applicant or filer, filing date, docket / sub-docket, a brief description, and security classification.
For paper submissions or any required staff copies of electronic submissions (see the Filing Guide and Qualified Documents List (revised February 21, 2017) for eFilings that require copies for staff):
Separate Public, CEII and Privileged material into clearly-marked binders or volumes.
Insert a page in the Public volume at each place where CEII or Privileged material has been removed. The page must identify the volume or binder containing the removed material.
The first page of each volume or binder must include the security designation (Public, Privileged, or CEII), and information sufficient to identify the filer, document date, docket and sub-docket no., title of the submission, volume number (e.g., Vol. 1 of 4) and a description of the material contained therein.
Stamp or clearly mark all pages with the applicable security designation. The cover sheet for each volume or binder also must be stamped or marked accordingly.
For submissions on paper, CD, and DVD, submit the number specified by Table 1 at Submission Guidelines.
For required staff copies of electronic submissions, submit copies of each volume or separate section:
Public: Original + Required number of copies
CEII: Original + two copies
Privileged: Original only
Refer to the applicable Commission regulation for the required number of copies.
Information Quality Guidelines (IQGs) for Information Maintained or Disseminated by FERC
On October 1, 2002, FERC issued its IQGs to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information it disseminates. The guidelines* and process for public requests for correction of information maintained and disseminated by FERC applies to information not already subject to adjudicative and rulemaking processes. The guidelines describe the program and the information covered, and give detailed instruction on how to file a request for a correction.
* Please note, OMB M-19-15 is in effect and the Agency is in the process of updating its guidelines.
What to Submit: Submit one original and two paper copies of the request, along with a text-searchable file (or files) on a 3 1/4" diskette or CD-ROM. Each page of the request and any supporting information or documents should include a header or footer stating "Request for No-Action Letter."
Contact Info: Each request must include the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person to whom the response should be directed.
Where to Submit: Send your request to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Office of the General Counsel
Room 10A-01
ATTN: Request for No-Action Letter
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Use express mail or courier services to submit a Request for No-Action Letter to FERC. Regular mail sent through the US Postal Service to the Commission is subject to a 7-10 day delay for scanning. The scanning process also may destroy any diskettes and CD-ROMs included in the submittal.
The Commission determined that when initially filed a Request for No-Action Letter is non-public material. The Commission's eFiling system is not ready to accept non-public material at this time and, therefore, it is not available for the filing of Requests for No-Action Letters.