After you have exhausted FERC’s public resources and you need to access nonpublic or privileged documents, please submit a FOIA request in writing. Visit our Help Section to learn How-to file a FOIA Request.
Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 388 is the Commission's FOIA policy. Read Commission Order No. 597 for additional information concerning the Commission’s response to The Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFIA) Amendments of 1996.
The Code describes the rules governing:
- Public notice of proceedings;
- Publication of decisions;
- Requests for informal advice from Commission staff;
- Procedures for press;
- Television, radio and photographic coverage;
- Requests for Commission records;
- Requests for confidential treatment of documents submitted to; the Commission;
- Procedures for responding to subpoenas seeking documents or testimony from Commission employees or former employees; and
- Fees for various requests, and requests for reduction or waiver of these fees.
Helpful Information:
The Department of Justice FOIA Section offers access to several documents related to FOIA regulations and procedures which may prove useful in submitting FOIA requests, such as: