Tree Trimming & Vegetation Management
- Why Tree Trimming is Necessary
- Clearances between power lines and trees
- Landowner rights – Rights-of-way Agreements
Tree Trimming & Vegetation Management Issues Form
Vegetation Management
- FAQs: Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management Landowners
- Report (Issued March 2, 2004)
Need assistance as a landowner affected by a FERC jurisdictional project?
For general and procedural concerns such as requests for environmental documents and information on pipeline routes, scoping meetings and how to file comments, landowners may contact the Office of External Affairs:
Toll Free: 1-866-208-3372 | Email: [email protected]
To receive assistance with disputes involving the construction and operation of FERC jurisdictional projects, landowners may contact the Commission’s Landowner Helpline:
Toll Free 1-877-337-2237 | Email: [email protected]
Getting Involved
If you think you might be affected by a proposed natural gas or hydroelectric project regulated by the Commission, you have certain rights.
Industry Guides
Guides provide a summary of your rights and the process when dealing with FERC proposed electric transmission, natural gas pipelines, LNG terminals and hydropower licensing.
FERC Processes
High level schematics of some of the common Commission processes.
Most common Frequently Asked Questions about a variety of issues and processes at the Commission.
Most commonly used acronyms at the Commission
Brief definitions of certain terms used at the Commission.
Public Reference Room
Provides a place for members of the public to view official Commission documents. The Public Reference Room, along with eLibrary, is the Commission's primary channels for disseminating information.
FERC CUI Processes:
What is CUI?
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies as specified in Executive Order 13556 and Rule 32 CFR Part 2002. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) was appointed by the President to be the Executive Agent of the CUI Program.
Contact Information
Office of External AffairsTelephone: 202-502-8004Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3372Email: [email protected]
Can't find a docket number?Telephone: 1-866-208-3372