The Commission provides a number of important opportunities for landowners and citizens to participate in decision making on proposed natural gas and hydroelectric projects.
These include:
- Attending and participating in public scoping meetings and environmental site reviews. Participants can tell Commission Staff about:
- Environmental and socioeconomic resources that are important and should be examined FERC
- Other alternatives to the proposed project that should be evaluated
- Commenting on the Commission's draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
- All timely comments are answered in the Final EA or EIS.
- Commenters should support any recommendations for any mitigative measures that they want the FERC to include in any approvals issued (hydropower licensees and natural gas certificates of public convenience).
- Asking the Commission's Alternative Dispute Resolution for assistance in resolving disputes with the energy company that is proposing a project.
- The Commission encourages applicants and citizens to resolve disputes
- The Commission also encourages applicants and affected organizations to enter into Settlement Agreements to resolve large, controversial hydropower projects and natural gas projects.
- Anyone who is an Intervenor can ask the Commission to reconsider its hydropower licensing and natural gas certification decisions.
Project Correspondence
Keeping up with and managing project-related correspondence is no small task. Prior to eFiling and eSubscription, this was a paper-intensive process. We encourage all participants who have computers and an email address (Yahoo and Microsoft Hotmail offer free email addresses) to:
- Use eFiling to submit documents and comments to FERC;
- Use eSubscription to subscribe to the project number of any hydroelectric or natural gas project in which they are interested;
- Use the Calendar of Events, especially Scoping Meetings and Environmental Site Reviews; and
- Become acquainted with the features of eLibrary.
Contact Information
Office of External AffairsTelephone: 202-502-8004Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3372Email: [email protected]