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Applicant Files Pre-application Document (PAD) with Notice of Intent to File License Application
- PAD brings together all existing, relevant, and reasonably available information about the project and its effects on resources.
- PAD also includes a well-defined process plan that sets the schedule for developing the license application and a list of preliminary studies and issues.
FERC Conducts Scoping
- The purposes of scoping are to identify and refine issues, discuss existing information, explore information gaps, and finalize the process plan.
- Stakeholders discuss the issues and provide study requests.
Applicant Files Proposed Study Plan
- Applicant holds a meeting(s) to discuss the proposed study plan and informally resolve study disagreements.
- Applicant files a revised study plan.
- Director of the Office of Energy Projects approves the revised study plan with any modifications after considering all information in the record.
- Agencies with mandatory conditioning authority may request the use of a formal dispute resolution process.
- Applicant conducts the studies as approved.
- Applicant files a preliminary licensing proposal with the Commission, agencies, and public for comment.
- Applicant files final license application with the Commission and provides copies to agencies, tribes, and the public.
- After the application is filed, the Commission has defined time frames to prepare and issue its environmental analysis pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.