Project Study Dispute/Filing Agency Panel/Contact Information Dispute Filed Technical Conference Panel Finding Filed
P-4784-095 Pejepscot Hydroelectric Project National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Request 1 - Effects of predation by non-native predators on native anadromous fish, including the endangered Atlantic salmon
Monte TerHaar (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

Dan Kircheis
National Marine Fisheries Service
Maine Field Station
17 Godfrey Drive, Suite 1
Orono, Maine 04473
[email protected]

James Lynch
KL Gates LLP
925 Fourth Ave, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
[email protected]
August 1, 2018 September 11, 2018 Due by September 20, 2018
La Grange Hydroelectric Project
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Request 2 - Effects of the project on the genetic makeup of steelhead and rainbow trout in the Tuolumne River
Nicholas Ettema (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

Jonathan Ambrose
National Marine Fisheries Service
650 Capitol Mall
Suite 5-100
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

Richard Craven
Craven Environmental Consulting
19710 Schaefer Drive
Oregon City, OR 97045
[email protected]
February 23, 2015
March 31, 2015 Due April 14, 2015
Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

NMFS disputes the Commission’s study plan determination treatment of: 1) Glacial Runoff Changes Study (7.7); 2) Salmon Escapement Study (9.7); and Fish Passage Feasibility Study (9.11)
John Mudre (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

Sean McDermott
Hydropower Program Coordinator
Habitat Conservation Division
National Marine Fisheries Service
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
[email protected]

Kevin Malone
5426 E Blaisdell RD
Port Orchard, WA 98366
April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013 Due April 12, 2013
Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

NMFS Request 1 - Effects of the Project and Related LaGrange Complex Facilities on Anadromous Fish;

Request 2 - Effects of the Project and Related Facilities Evaluated Through an Operations Model;

Request 3 - Effects of the Project and Related Activities on Fish Passage for Anadromous Fish;

Request 4 - Effects of the Project and Related Facilities Hydrology for Anadromous Fish: Magnitude, Timing, Duration, and Rate of Change;

Request 7 - Evaluation of the Upper Tuolumne Habitats for Anadromous Fish;
Request 8 - Salmon and Steelhead Full Life-Cycle Population Models; and

Request 9 - Effects of the Project and Related Facilities on Ecosystem/Marine-Derived Nutrients for Anadromous Fish.
Stephen Bowler (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St. N.E.,
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

David White
Habitat Conservation Division
777 Sonoma Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
[email protected]

Richard Craven
Craven Environmental Consulting 19710 Schaefer Drive
Oregon City, OR 97045
[email protected]
January 11, 2012

(NMFS Panelist named on March 2, 2012)
April 17, 2012
9:00 to 5:00
Holiday Inn, Sacramento- Capitol Plaza
300 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Due May 4, 2012
Conowingo Hydroelectric Project (P-405-097) Maryland Department of the Environment

Seasonal and diurnal water quality in Conowingo Pond and below
Conowingo dam (study 3.1)

Downstream fish passage effectiveness study (study 3.2)  
August 31, 2010

Hydrologic study of the lower Susquehanna River (study 3.11)

Characterization of downstream aquatic communities (study 3.18)
Stephen Bowler (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St. N.E.,
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

James Uphoff
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Cooperative Oxford Laboratory
904 S. Morris Street
Oxford, MD 21654
[email protected]

Lisa Larson
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
16300 Christensen Rd
Ste. 350
Seattle, WA 98188
[email protected]
February 25, 2010  

(MD panelist named on June 23, 2010)
August 31, 2010
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Darlington Fire Station
2600 Castleton Road
Darlington, Maryland
Due September 9, 2010

Accession Number 20100909-3012
P-2246-058 Yuba River Hydroelectric Project National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
NMFS disputes the treatment of several of its study requests, filed on March 7, 2011, in the Commission’s study plan determination, issued on September 30, 2011.

NMFS specifically identified study requests 1 through 6 and study request 8 as the disputed elements of its overall, March 7, 2011, filing.

Requests 1 through 6 refer to the effects of project and related activities on: (1) Fish passage for anadromous fish;
(2) Hydrology for anadromous fish;
(3) Water temperatures for anadromous fish migration, holding, spawning, and rearing needs;
(4) Coarse substrate for anadromous fish: sediment supply, transport, and storage;
(5) Large wood and riparian habitat for anadromous fish; and
(6) Loss of marine-derived nutrients in the Yuba River.

Request 8 was for a study of anadromous fish ecosystem effects analysis: synthesis of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the project and related facilities on anadromous fish.
Stephen Bowler (Chair)
FERC staff
888 1st St. N.E.,
Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

David White
Habitat Conservation Division
777 Sonoma Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
[email protected]

Richard Craven
Craven Environmental Consulting
19710 Schaefer Drive
Oregon City, OR 97045
[email protected]
October 20, 2011 11/30/2011 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Sacramento- Capitol Plaza 300 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916-446-0100 Issued December 9, 2011 - Study Dispute Panel Findings and Recommendations for Yuba River Hydroelectric Project 
Hogansburg Hydroelectric
Project No. 7518
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC)
(1) Scope of fisheries survey,
(2) Need for a macroinvertebrate study,
(3) Methods for monitoring dissolved oxygen levels,
(4) Delphi methods for assessing baseflows,
(5) Data recording intervals for the Impoundment Fluctuation Study, and
(6) Decommissioning study.
Ryan Hansen
FERC staff
888 1st St. N.E.,
Washington, DC 20426

Mary Jo Crance
625 Broadway, 5th floor
Albany, NY 12233-4756
[email protected]

Ginger G. Gillin,
GEI Consultants, Inc.
311 B Avenue, Suite F
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
[email protected]
August 29, 2011 October 5, 2011 Due October 18, 2011
Greenville Bend Hydrokinetic Project No. 12829-001

Scotlandville Bend Hydrokinetic Project No. 12861-001

Kempe Bend Hydrokinetic Project No. 12921-001

Ashley Point Hydrokinetic Project No. 12930-001

Hope Field Point Hydrokinetic Project No. 12938-001

Flora Creek Light Hydrokinetic Project No. 12915-001

McKinley Crossing Hydrokinetic Project No. 12912-001
U.S. Department of the Interior (FWS)
(1) Species of fish to be used in controlled entrainment testing
(2) Methodology for controlled testing of entrainment injury and mortality
(3) Riverine fish movement, behavior, and habitat use
(4) Fish Population Effects
(5) Entrainment effects on fish eggs and larvae, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and zooplankton
John Mudre
FERC staff
888 1st St. N.E., Washington, DC 20426
[email protected]

Timothy Modde
P.O. Box 25486, DFC
Denver, CO 80225
[email protected]

Robert Gray
RH Gray and Associates
2687 Troon Ct.
Richland, WA 99352
[email protected]
February 12, 2010 March 16, 2010 Due April 5, 2010
Merced River Hydroelectric Project
U.S. Dept. of the Interior (FWS), U.S. Dept. of Commerce (NMFS), and the California State Water Resources Control Board
(1) Commission's determination of geographic scope;
(2) 16 individual studies which address water and aquatic resource related issues
Aaron Liberty, FERC staff
888 1st St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20426

Larry Thompson
Fishery Biologist
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service
650 Capitol Mall, Suite 8-300
Sacramento, CA 95814-4706

Robert H. Deibel
National Instream Flow Coordinator & Hydropower Program Manager
U.S. Forest Service
2150 Centre Ave, Bldg A, Suite 368
Ft, Collins, CO 80526
October 5, 2009 To be determined (tentatively scheduled for November 10, 2009) Due November 24, 2009
Toledo Bend Hydroelectric Project
(No. 2305-020)
Forest Service
(1) Terrestrial Special Status Species;
(2) Cultural
(3) Non-native Invasive Plant Species (noxious weeds)
(4) Project Boundary
(5) Encroachment and Trespass
(6) Soil Erosion
Emily Carter
FERC staff
888 1st St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20426

Ray Johns
Forest Service
106 Zillicoa Street, Ste A
Asheville, NC 28801

Robert Gray
RH Gray & Associates
2867 Troon Ct
Richland, WA 99352
August 26, 2009 To be determined Due October 15, 2009
Massena Grasse River Hydroelectric Project (No. 12607-001) New York Department of Environmental Conservation
(1) Impacts related to floodplain, ice management, municipal CSOs, and infrastructure
(2) The phase II ASTM environmental site assessment and related issues
(3) Sturgeon spawning and movement
Panel 1:
Mr. Monte Terhaar, FERC staff
888 1st St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20426

Mr. Dominic Fontana, NYSDEC
1115 NYS Route 86
P.O. Box 296
Ray Brook, N.Y. 12977-0296

Mr. Mark Vanarelli, PhD
624 Pennsylvania Street, #401
Denver, CO 80401
November 8, 2007 December 12, 2007  December 28, 2007
Panel 2:
Mr. Matt Buhyoff, FERC staff
888 1st St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20426

Mr. Richard Craven
18867 S. Forest Grove Loop
Oregon City, Oregon  97045

Mr. Steven LaPan, NYSDEC
P.O. Box 292
Cape Vincent, NY  13618
Morgan Falls (No. 2237) US Department of the Interior
(1) Sediment and Erosion Studies
(2) Instream Flow Study
(3) Recreation Survey
Mr. Nicholas Jayjack, FERC Staff
888 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20426
Telephone: 202-502-6073
December 16, 2004 January 19, 2004  February 4, 2005 - Findings and Recommendations of the Study Dispute Resolution Panel for the
Morgan Falls Hydroelectric Project (P-2237-013)
Mr. Gerald Thornton
DOI Office of Solicitor
530 S. Gay Street, Room 308
Knoxville, TN 37902
Telephone: 865-545-4314 ext 13

This page was last updated on July 10, 2020