Docket No. AD22-9-000
Request for Comments
On June 20, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (Commission) convened a Commissioner-led forum to discuss solutions to the electric and gas challenges facing the New England region.
All interested persons are invited to file post-forum comments on the topics in the forum agenda and discussed during the forum. We also invite responses to the questions below. Commenters may reference material previously filed in this docket but are encouraged to avoid repetition or replication of previously filed material. Commenters need not answer all of the questions but are encouraged to organize responses using the numbering and order in the below questions. Comments should be submitted on or before 45 days from issuance of this notice.
Comments on Supplemental Notice for June 20, 2023, Second New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum
In accordance with the deadline above, we seek responses to the questions listed in the Supplemental Notice issued in this proceeding on May 26, 2023, which are restated below.
Please note that the start time for the forum has been changed to 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
As announced in the Notice of Forum issued in this proceeding on February 16, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) will convene a Commissioner-led forum on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, to discuss possible solutions to the electricity and natural gas challenges facing the New England Region. A preliminary agenda for this forum is attached. The forum will be open to the public and be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Portland, 363 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME 04106.
The final agenda for this forum is attached (below), which identifies the forum panelists. Attached to this notice are questions for the panelists; we request panelists file position statements addressing these questions in this docket no later than June 9, 2023. Written responses to these questions are voluntary and will be used to supplement the record for discussion at the forum.
Attached to this notice are questions for the panelists; we request panelists file position statements addressing these questions in this docket. Written responses to these questions are voluntary and will be used to supplement the record for discussion at the forum.
The purpose of the forum is to continue discussion from the September 8, 2022, forum about the electricity and natural gas challenges facing the New England region. This forum will discuss studies on extreme weather risks, infrastructure on the electric and gas systems in New England, and infrastructure and market design reforms to aid with the electric and gas system challenges faced historically during New England winters. The goal of this forum is to identify solutions to address the electric and gas system challenges and discuss timing of their potential implementation.
While the forum is not for the purpose of discussing any specific matters before the Commission, some forum discussions may involve issues raised in proceedings that are currently pending before the Commission. These proceedings include, but are not limited to, the cases listed below. Additions to the list appear in italics:
Constellation Mystic Power LLC |
Docket Nos. ER18-1639-000 ER18-1639-014 ER18-1639-015 ER18-1639-018 ER18-1639-021 ER18-1639-023 ER18-1639-024
ISO New England Inc. |
Docket Nos. ER19-1428-000 ER19-1428-001 ER19-1428-002 ER19-1428-003 ER19-1428-004 ER19-1428-005 ER19-1428-006
NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC
Docket Nos. EL21-3-000 EL21-3-001 |
NECEC Transmission LLC and Avangrid, Inc. v. NextEra Energy Resources, LLC
Docket Nos. EL21-6-000 EL21-6-001 |
ISO New England Inc. |
Docket No. ER23-1588-000 |
Only Commissioners and panelists will participate in the panel discussions. The forum will be open to the public for listening and observing, and written comments may be submitted in Docket No. AD22-9-000.
Attendee Registration
Registration for in-person attendance will be required, and there is no fee for attendance. A link to attendee registration will be available here on the New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum event page on the Commission’s website. Due to space constraints, seating for this event will be limited and registrants that get a confirmed space will be contacted via email. Only confirmed registrants can be admitted to the forum given the maximum occupancy limit at the venue (as required by fire and building safety code). Therefore, the Commission encourages members of the public who wish to attend this event in person to register at their earliest convenience. Online registration will be open, as long as attendance capacity is available, until the day before the forum (June 19). Once registration has reached capacity, registration will be closed. However, those interested in attending after capacity has been reached can join a waiting list (using the same registration link) and be notified if space becomes available. Those who are unable to attend in person may watch the free webcast.
The webcast will allow persons to listen and observe the forum remotely but not participate. Information on this forum, including a link to the webcast, will be posted prior to the event on this forum’s event page on the Commission’s website. A recording of the webcast will be made available after the forum in the same location on the Calendar of Events. The forum will be transcribed. Transcripts of the forum will be available for a fee from Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc. (202-347-3700).
Panelist Self-Nomination
Individuals interested in participating as panelists should submit a self-nomination email by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, May 19, 2023, to [email protected]. The self-nominations should have “Panelist Self-Nomination” in the subject line and include the panelist’s name, photograph, contact information, organizational affiliation, one-paragraph biography, and what panels the self-nominated panelist proposes to speak on.
Commission conferences are accessible under section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For accessibility accommodations, please send an e-mail to [email protected], call toll-free (866) 208-3372 (voice) or (202) 208-8659 (TTY), or send a fax to (202) 208-2106 with the required accommodations.
Contact Information
For more information about this forum, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] for technical or logistical questions.
Event Details
- , -
- DoubleTree by Hilton Portland,
363 Maine Mall Rd.
South Portland, ME 04106
- Attendee Registration
- 2022 New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum
- Notice of 2023 New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum
- First Supplemental Notice
- Second Supplemental Notice
- Third Supplemental Notice
- Richard Levitan Forum Presentation
- ISO NE EPRI Presentation
- ISO NE Opening Presentation
- Notice of Request for Comments
New England ForumEmail: [email protected]