Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency Through Improved Software and Hardware - Enhanced optimal power flow models (Washington, DC)(Free webcast)
The 3rd in a series of 3 conferences.This conference will focus on improving dispatch of generation assets, integration of variable energy resources and demand resources (DR, DG, and storage), utilization of flexible transmission assets, and incentives for efficient transmission and generation investment through the development of a large-scale AC optimal power flow (AC OPF) model with sufficient usability and speed to facilitate better unit-commitment and real-time dispatch, including the optimal dispatch and pricing of reactive power from generators, transmission assets and load. Development of an AC power system test bed to benchmark the speed of solution techniques will be discussed.
This conference will be held at:
888 First Street, NE Washington, DC
Visit our Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency section
A free live webcast is available for this meeting. All webcasts are archived for 3 months.
Event Details
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- Washington, DC
- Notice [PDF]
- Notice of Agenda and Procedures [PDF]
- Maslennikov, ISO New England [PDF]
- Ott, PJM [PDF]
- Brandwajn and Chang, ABB [PDF]
- Pinto, Nexant, Day Ahead Reactive Planning [PDF]
- Pinto, Nexant - Security Constrained Economic Dispatch [PDF]
- Yeomans, New York ISO [PDF]
- Musunari, Alstom [PDF]
- Final Agenda [PDF]
- Sun, Alstom [PDF]
- Ilic, Carnegie Mellon and Lang, MIT - NETSSWorks [PDF]
- Metcalfe, Sempa [PDF]
- Franchetti, Carnegie Mellon [PDF]
- Aivaliotis, The Valley Group [PDF]
- Zhou, InterPSS [PDF]
- Ilic, Carnegie Mellon - Smart Grid [PDF]
- Leyffer, Argonne National Laboratory [PDF]
- Zimmerman, Cornell University [PDF]
- Liu, Wang and Ning, Argonne National Laboratory [PDF]