Project No. 5737-032

Daytime Scoping Meeting

DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024

TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m Pacific Time (PT)

PLACE: El Toro Room, Community and Cultural Center

ADDRESS:  17000 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037

On February 20, 2024, and supplemented on May 20, May 28, July 2, and July 3, 2024, Santa Clara Valley Water District (applicant) filed an application to retrofit the dam and to surrender the project exemption for the Anderson Dam Hydroelectric Project No. 5737.  The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) will prepare a document in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will discuss the environmental impacts of the proposed dam retrofit and surrender of the project exemption for the Anderson Dam Hydroelectric Project located on Coyote Creek, in Santa Clara County, California (NEPA document).  The Commission will use this NEPA document in its decision-making process to identify potential adverse and beneficial impacts of the proposed project surrender and reasonable alternatives.

This notice initiates the start of a scoping process the Commission will use to gather input from the public and interested agencies about issues regarding the project.  As part of the NEPA review process, the Commission takes into account concerns the public may have about proposals and the environmental impacts that could result from its action.  This process is referred to as “scoping.”  The main goal of the scoping process is to focus the analysis in the NEPA document on the important environmental issues.  Additional information about the Commission’s NEPA process is described below in the NEPA Process section of this notice. 

By this notice, the Commission staff requests public comments on the scope of issues to address in the NEPA document.  Specifically, we request comments on potential alternatives and impacts, as well as identification of any relevant information, studies, or analyses of any kind concerning impacts affecting the quality of the human environment.  To ensure that your comments are timely and properly recorded, please submit your comments within 60 days of this scoping notice, i.e., by October 21, 2024.[1]  Comments may be submitted in written or oral form.  Further details on how to submit comments are provided in the Public Participation section of this notice.

Site Visit

Additional Information

Additional information about the project is available on the FERC website at using the eLibrary link.  Click on the eLibrary link, click on “General Search” and enter the docket number in the “Docket Number” field, excluding the last three digits (i.e., P-5737).  Be sure you have selected an appropriate date range.  For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at [email protected] or (866) 208-3676, or for TTY, contact (202) 502-8659.  The eLibrary link also provides access to the texts of all formal documents issued by the Commission, such as orders, notices, and rulemakings.

The Commission’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission proceedings.  OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access publicly available information and navigate Commission processes.  For public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502-6595 or [email protected]

If you have further questions, you may also contact Jennifer Ambler at [email protected] or 202-502-8586.


[1] The Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure provide that if a filing deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday, or other day when the Commission is closed for business, the filing deadline does not end until the close of business on the next business day.  18 C.F.R. § 385.2007(a)(2).  Because the 60-day filing deadline falls on a Sunday (i.e., October 20, 2024), the filing deadline is extended until the close of business on Monday, October 21, 2024.

Event Details

Date and Time
  • TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m Pacific Time (PT)
    PLACE: El Toro Room, Community and Cultural Center
    ADDRESS:  17000 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Point of Contact

This page was last updated on September 16, 2024