Docket No. P-2816-050

Date:  Monday, June 27, 2022
Time:  10:00 am Eastern Daylight

All local, state, and Federal agencies, Indian tribes, and other interested are invited to participate.
If interested contact William Connelly at (202) 502-8587, by June 22, 2022.

Purpose of Meeting:  On April 28, 2022, Commission staff requested formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) pursuant to section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), for the relicensing of the North Hartland Hydroelectric Project No. 2816, located on the Ottauquechee River in Windsor County, Vermont.  On June 2, 2022, the FWS contacted staff via email to request a meeting to discuss Commission staff’s request for formal consultation on federally endangered dwarf wedgemussels.  Commission staff is meeting with the FWS via conference call to discuss the project’s effects on dwarf wedgemussels.  

Proposed Agenda: 

(1)    Introduction of participants;

(2)    Commission staff explain the purpose of the meeting;

(3)    Participants discuss existing data about the current and historical distribution of dwarf wedgemussel within the lower Ottauquechee and Connecticut Rivers; 

(4)    Participants discuss proposed project operation and alternatives to the proposed action; and 

(5)    Participants discuss additional issues relating to ESA consultation.


Event Details

Date and Time
  • Conference Call:
    If interested, please contact Bill Connelly at [email protected], or (202) 502-8587 by June 22, 2022, to receive specific instructions on how to participate.
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This page was last updated on June 08, 2022