Docket No. AD22-3-000

The Commission will hold a technical conference, via conference call, at the time identified below.  The technical conference will address the accepted costs submitted by the OFAs.  The purpose of the conference will be for OFAs and licensees to discuss costs reported in the forms and any other supporting documentation or analyses.

The technical conference will also be transcribed.  Those interested in obtaining a copy of the transcript immediately for a fee should contact the Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc., at 202-347-3700, or 1-800-336-6646.  Two weeks after the post-forum meeting, the transcript will be available for free on the Commission’s e-library system.  Anyone without access to the Commission’s website or who has questions about the technical conference should contact Raven A. Rodriguez at (202) 502-6276 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Interested parties may file specific questions and comments on the FY 2021 OFA cost submissions with the Commission under Docket No. AD22-3, no later than May 2, 2022.  Once filed, the Commission will forward the questions and comments to the OFAs for response.

Anyone with questions pertaining to the technical conference or this notice should contact Raven A. Rodriguez at (202) 502-6276 (via e-mail at [email protected]).

Technical Conference Call

Date: Thursday, March 24, 2022
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm (EST)

Webex Meeting link:

Call-in number: 415-527-5035
Meeting ID number (access code): 2760 451 1664
Meeting Password: JJsgkdBh765


Event Details

Date and Time
  • Conference Call-in
Point of Contact

This page was last updated on April 07, 2022