RM07-16-000 | eComment

Members of the public can now participate in rulemaking, policy, electric market and administrative proceedings before FERC using the Commission’s eComment system.

Starting today, the Commission is accepting eComments on an array of proceedings that span its rulemaking and policy activities. The FERC eComment system previously was available to the public only for cases at FERC involving energy projects such as natural gas pipelines.

“This is an important and long-overdue service that will allow the public to more easily provide us with their views on the work we do,” FERC Chairman Willie Phillips said. “Expanding our public comment availability will help us ensure that our orders are as informed as possible.”

The FERC eComment system provides the public with a streamlined process to participate in FERC proceedings. The updated eComment system will accept comments in the following docket types: energy projects (P, PF, CP, PT and ET dockets), rulemaking (RM dockets), administrative (AD dockets), and policy (PL dockets).

Members of the public can either type, or copy and paste, text comments into a field in the online application. Once completed, the comments are uploaded to the proper dockets in FERC’s eLibrary.

For more information on how to navigate FERC proceedings, and when and how to participate in matters before FERC, contact the FERC Office of Public Participation at opp@ferc.gov or by phone at 202-502-6595.


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This page was last updated on September 25, 2024