Each April, FERC recognizes Take Your Children to Work Day (TYCTWD) for the children of FERC employees. This day is designed to inspire and build a strong educational foundation for young children. Even though we are getting accustomed to this “new normal” during the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to recognize how FERCers are managing the new flexibilities of working in a hybrid environment. Celebrate this observance with us by viewing the responses of FERC employees who answered the following prompt: “In one word, describe what it’s like working from home with your children.” As you can see, working from home with children is a unique experience that requires resilience. It is imperative that we recognize the importance of the integration of our employees personal and professional lives. We want to extend our appreciation for their workplace excellence as we continue to navigate through the hybrid environment and ensure that FERC remains a healthy and great place to work.