FERC Groups That Assist Parties with ADR
Dispute Resolution Service
The Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) is a small service-oriented team that promotes timely and high-quality resolutions of disputes through consensual decision-making.
The DRS has two major functions:
- To provide services such as mediation and facilitation in disputes involving entities subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. All communications with DRS representatives are privileged and confidential unless otherwise agreed. DRS staff is not involved in the Commission's decisional processes and does not advocate positions or conduct investigations.
- To promote the use of ADR both within and outside of the Commission through activities such as consultation, workshops, collaboration, training, and coaching.
To learn more about ADR or begin an ADR process, please contact a Dispute Resolution Specialist listed under "Contact Information" on the right-hand side of the page.
Learn more about Dispute Resolution
Landowner Helpline
The Commission’s Landowner Helpline assists landowners with issues relating to the construction or operation of FERC jurisdictional facilities. Issues addressed include, for example: responding to requests for information, responding to requests for assistance to facilitate the resolution of disputes relating to restoration (such as land after construction), or responding to other complaints. The Landowner Helpline also facilitates resolving landowner issues involving environmental, recreational, and other matters relating to a FERC jurisdictional hydroelectric project being addressed.
Enforcement Hotline
The Enforcement Hotline invites market participants and the general public to call, email or write the Hotline to complain or report market activities or transactions that may be an abuse of market power, an abuse of an affiliate relationship, a tariff violation, or another possible violation by a FERC regulated entity.