President Trump signed America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 into law on October 23, 2018. Sections 3003 and 3004 of the Act require FERC to issue rules establishing expedited processes for issuing and amending licenses for qualifying facilities at existing non-powered dams and for closed-loop pumped storage projects. The processes must seek to ensure a final decision by the Commission on an application for a license by no later than two years after receipt of a completed application.

These sections also require the Commission to convene an interagency task force (ITF) to coordinate the regulatory processes associated with the authorizations required in connection with the new processes. Because of the congressionally mandated deadline, participation in the ITF will be time sensitive.

Guidance for Applicants Seeking Licenses or Preliminary Permits for Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Projects at Abandoned Mine Sites | Notice (AD19-7-000)

Nonpowered Federal Dams with Potential for Non-Federal Hydropower Development (AD19-7-000)

Determination on project investments under Section 36 of the Federal Power Act (P-943-130)

Hydroelectric Licensing Regulations Under the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 Order (RM19-6-000)

Notice (AD19-8-000)

Notice (RM19-6-000)

Notice (RM19-6-000, AD19-7-000, AD19-8-000)

This page was last updated on January 12, 2022