
Login to your FERC Online account or create a new one.


eComment is limited to individuals filing comments on their own behalf in the following proceedings:

  • Hydroelectric License/Re-license Proceedings (P - Project Number),
  • Pre-Filing Activity for Planned Natural Gas Projects (PF Docket),
  • Applications for Authorization to Construct a Natural Gas Pipeline,
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Other Facility (CP Dockets),
  • Pre-Filing Activity for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (PT Dockets),
  • Applications for a Permit to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (ET Dockets),
  • Administrative (AD Dockets),
  • General Policy Cases (PL Dockets), and
  • Rulemaking Proceedings (RM Dockets).

TIP: Your system must not block emails from ferc.gov.  After you submit an eComment request, you will receive an email from ferc.gov with a link to the comment system.

TIP: The application will time-out after 60 minutes of inactivity. Create a Word or Text file (up to 10,000 characters), then copy/paste them in the eComment Text Box to avoid time-out limits.

Note for eComment: While eRegistering is not required if you want to submit a comment via eComment in a P, PF, CP, PT, ET, AD, RM, or PL docket, you will not receive notifications in a specific docket unless you create an eRegistration account and eSubscribe to a docket. If you eSubscribe, you will also be able to retrieve public documents through the links in the email notifications. You will not be emailed correspondence filed or issued prior to the date you subscribe to a particular docket. For Privileged or CEII documents, refer to our FOIA & CEII section.


You must have or create a full eRegistration account (not limited to eSubscription) and use the Commission's efiling system if you are filing:

  • On behalf of a company, agency, organization, association, or other non-individual
  • A Motion to Intervene
  • Comments exceeding 6,000 characters,
  • Non-text material (exhibits, photos) or file attachments
  • Privileged or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII).

TIPS for eFiling

  • File size is limited to 250MB (smaller files encouraged).
  • FERC acceptable file formats.
  • eFilings must be submitted in a text searchable format.
  • Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) may be eFiled under the appropriate Security tab on the File Upload Screen.
  • Material subject to a Protective Order and material for which Protected treatment is requested may now be efiled under the Privileged tab on the File Upload screen.

Note: All comments submitted under either eComments or eFiling are placed in the Record for the specified docket or project number(s).

Confirmation Receipt: For both eFiling and eComment, you will receive a Confirmation of Receipt email within a few minutes of filing. Staff review is required for certain eFilings; this does not affect the submission date/time reflected in the Confirmation of Receipt email. Submissions via eComment are accepted without an Acceptance for Filing email.


When you register for eSubscription and subscribe to a specific docket, you'll be notified via email about all future submittals and issuances. You will also be able to retrieve public documents through the links in the emails. For Privileged or CEII documents, refer to our FOIA & CEII section.

(Note: You will not be emailed correspondence filed or issued prior to the date you subscribe to a particular docket).

Just follow these simple steps:

  • Register as a FERC Online User to obtain a FERC I.D. and password (you will need to do this even if you have an eFiling account). FERC Online will then send you an email confirming your registration.
  • Go to your email program's Inbox and open the message from FERC Online. Click on the link to validate your account.
  • Once you are a registered FERC Online User, log in to FERC Online by entering your registered email address/FERC I.D. and your password.
  • Select the docket numbers you want to keep track.

You'll be notified via email as correspondence comes in and out of FERC. Edit your profile and make changes to the dockets you're tracking easily and at any time.


Find parties associated with docketed proceedings

Service List - View and download the contact names, mailing addresses, and email addresses, where available, of officials and individuals who have been recognized by FERC as official parties (intervenors) to specific docket and project numbers.

Mailing List/LOR - View and download the names and mailing addresses of contacts on the Service List and contacts that have been added to the Mailing List (non-intervenors) for a specific docket or project number.


By registering, you will receive a single user id and password that allows you to transact virtually all of your business with FERC. eRegistration does not grant access to non-public material in eLibrary – see here for more information.

eRegistration is essential to any person who transacts business with the FERC on behalf of themselves or another organization (e.g. companies or corporations). It provides authentication support to the FERC Online applications that ensures safe and secure transactions, thereby protecting the integrity of your data.
Importantly, and in order for an entity to receive electronic service of documents/Commission issuances, the filer must comply with the procedures for electronic registration as provided on this page. For additional information, see Rule 2010 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR §385.2010 (h)).

To register, pick a user name and password. The system will then prompt you for a user profile.


Users have access to over two million documents related to specific docketed proceedings with over ten million pages through the FERC Website.

Company Registration

All eTariff Filings and certain form filings require that filers use Company Identifiers issued by the Commission. You must check the requirements for the form you need to file to determine if that form requires a Company Identifier. 

To receive a Company Identifier, companies must apply through a FERC Online application known as Company Registration. This application will permit a company to request a Company Identifier, modify information associated with an existing Company Identifier, transition Company Identifiers issued before August 12, 2013.

Companies that make filings on behalf of required filers also may obtain a Delegate Identifier that will permit required filers to designate these companies as permissible filers on their behalf.

Prior to requesting a Company Identifier or a Delegate Identifier, the user should read, understand and acquire the information that must be provided to complete the Company Registration process. The information requirements are explained in the Instructions for Company Registration. With the assembled information, the user should go to the Commission's FERC Online page and select Company Registration . The Instructions for Company Registration provides step-by-step instructions on how to register a company.

This page was last updated on February 24, 2025