Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C., et al. v. FERC Nos. 04-1166, et al. Rate of return on equity for initial transportation services on newly-constructed pipeline facilities; Order acting on rate case filing and settlement offer by High Island; various ratemaking issues after hearing and initial decision. Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C., 97 FERC¶61,097 (2001), order on reh'g, 106 FERC¶61,325 (2004); High Island Offshore System, L.L.C., 110 FERC¶61,043 (2005), order on reh'g and compl., 112 FERC ¶ 61,050 (2005), order on reh'g and compl., 113 FERC ¶ 61,280 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.

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