Policy Statement on Consultation with Indian Tribes in Commission Proceedings
The Commission first issued its Policy Statement in 2003 and updated the Policy Statement in 2019. The Policy Statement recognizes the unique relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes as defined by treaties, statutes and judicial decisions, and acknowledges the Commission’s trust responsibilities.
Tribal Participation Guide for FERC Environmental Reviews
This guide reviews FERC’s role in the environmental review process for energy infrastructure projects under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and highlights how federally recognized Indian Tribes may engage with and participate in FERC’s review.
Guidelines for Reporting on Cultural Resources Investigations for Natural Gas Projects
These guidelines, updated in 2017, are intended to assist project sponsors (companies) and their contractors in preparing cultural resources report filings under the Commission’s regulations for interstate natural gas projects and subsequently Section 106 purposes.
WorkshOPP on Filing Comments
The Commission’s Office of Public Participation posted a series of online videos that provides information, including a step-by-step guide, on how to file comments in Commission proceedings.
Policy on Preliminary Permits for Projects on Tribal Lands (February 15, 2024)
FERC will not issue preliminary permits for projects proposing to use Tribal lands of the Tribe on whose lands the project is to be located opposes the permit. Potential applicants should work closely with Tribal stakeholders prior to filing applications to ensure that Tribes are fully informed about proposed projects on their lands and to determine whether they are willing to consider the project development.
Order No. 1977, Applications for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities (May 13, 2024)
This rule outlines how FERC is implementing its limited authority over siting electricity transmission lines as amended by Congress in 2021. This rule directs applicants to develop engagement plans for outreach to communities and Tribal governments, includes a Landowner Bill of Rights and codifies an Applicant Code of Conduct as one way for applicants to demonstrate good-faith efforts to engage with landowners in the permitting process.
Guides on Participation
Educational Videos
- Learn to eFile, eComment, and eSubscribe
- How to File an Intervention Using FERC’s Online System
- Filing Comments Workshop and Demonstration
- Submitting Powerful Comments Workshop
Tips on Participation
Informational Handouts
Contact Information
Tribal RelationsEmail: [email protected]
FERC Online SupportHours of Operation 8:00 -5:00 ET | TTY: 202-502-8659Telephone: 202-502-6652Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676Email: [email protected]