Filing Title:
Citation: |
TOFC Description |
Filings with changes to Rates and / or to the Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC) |
TOFC: 1300
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-State Election, Fuel filing or SOC chg w/o rate chg |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for all non-fee based; State Rate Election filings, Fuel filings (note the optional notice procedure only resets the five years filing requirement with respect to the Fuel rate), and / or revisions to the Statement of Operating Conditions. Combines TOFC 1280 into 1300. |
TOFC: 1310
Citation: 284.123(b)(2)+(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-FEE-New or chg in Cost Based Rate |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for all fee based Cost of Service Based Rate filings with a 60 day statutory / regulatory timeline. Additionally, the filing may include changes to Statement of Operating Conditions. The filing requires a fee pursuant to § 381.403. |
TOFC: 980
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)/.224
Filing Title: State Election, Fuel filing or SOC chg w/o rate chg |
This is for all non-fee based; State Rate Election filings, Fuel filings, and / or revisions to a Statement of Operating Conditions. Combines TOFC 770 into 980. |
TOFC: 760
Citation: 284.123(b)(2)+(e)/.224
Filing Title: FEE-New or chg in Cost Based Rate |
This is for all fee based Cost of Service Based Rate filings with a 150 day statutory / regulatory timeline. Additionally, the filing may include changes to Statement of Operating Conditions. The filing requires a fee pursuant to § 381.403. |
Filing an Amendments |
TOFC: 1270
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-Amendment using optional notice procedure filing |
This is for filing an amendment using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). The initial filing must have been made as a statutory / regulatory filing using TOFC of 760, 1300, or 1310 and any amendments made using TOFC 1270 or 1350. |
TOFC: 1000
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)/.224
Filing Title: Amendment to non-statutory filings |
This is for filing an amendment to non-statutory / regulatory Rate filings, Fuel filings, and / or changes to the Statement of Operating Conditions. |
TOFC: 1350
Citation: 284.123(b)(2),(e)/.224
Filing Title: Amendment to statutory filings |
This is for filing an amendment to a statutory filing, e.g., the initial filing must be made using TOFC of 760, 1300, or 1310. |
Miscellaneous Filings |
TOFC: 780
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)/.224
Filing Title: Data Response or Supplement to the record |
This is for filing a response to a data request or a supplement to the record of an existing tariff filing. |
TOFC: 790
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)/.224
Filing Title: Compliance filing |
This is for making a compliance filing in response to a Commission order, for making a filing without a Tariff Record, or for a Hinshaw pipeline filing a cost and throughput study. If filing a new rate case in compliance with a five year rate review commitment, use a TOFC of 1300, 1310, 980, or 760. |
TOFC: 1370
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-Compliance filing |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). New TOFC for filing a compliance filing in response to a Commission order, for making a filing without a Tariff Record, or for a Hinshaw pipeline filing a cost and throughput study. A non-statutory / regulatory filing may not be converted to have a statutory / regulatory timeline by using this TOFC. To use this TOFC, the initial filing and all subsequent filings must have been made as a statutory / regulatory filing, e.g., the initial filing must have been made using TOFC of 760, 1300, or 1310 and any amendments made using TOFC of 1270 or 1350. |
TOFC: 1200
Citation: 284.123(b),(h)/.224
Filing Title: Refund Report |
This is for filing all refund reports for section 311 and Hinshaw pipelines. |
TOFC: 1260
Citation: 284.123(b)(1)+(g)(9)(ii)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-Certification of Unchg State Rate Election |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for filing a state rate certification that the pipeline's currently effective rates are based upon its current state approved rates. Filings using this TOFC must contain a tariff record. See 145 FERC ¶ 61,168 (2013) for additional filing guidance. |
TOFC: 1360
Citation: 284.123(b)(1)/.224
Filing Title: Certification of Unchg State Rate Election |
This is for filing a state rate certification that the pipeline's currently effective rates are based upon its current state approved rates. See 145 FERC ¶ 61,168 (2013) for additional filing guidance. |
TOFC: 1340
Citation: 284.224/.123
Filing Title: FEE-Blanket Certificate Application including a live SOC |
This is for a filing by a Hinshaw pipeline for a § 284.224 blanket certificate. The filing must include a live baseline Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC) including a rate election pursuant to §§ 284.123(b) and (e). The rate election may either be a state rate (§284.123(b)(1)) or a cost based rate (§284.123(b)(2)). The filing requires a fee pursuant to § 381.207. |
TOFC: 770
Citation: Deleted
Filing Title: Deleted |
Deleted effective November 7, 2016. Use TOFC 980. |
TOFC: 1280
Citation: Deleted
Filing Title: Deleted |
Deleted effective November 7, 2016. Use TOFC 1300. |
Baseline filings only - either an Initial Filing of Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC) or a new (revised) Tariff Title |
TOFC: 1330
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)+(g)/224
Filing Title: OPT-Baseline SOC-w/ State Rate Election or no rate chg |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for filing a baseline Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC). This may include filings for either, a new baseline SOC with a state rate election, or a baseline with a new Tariff Title and Tariff ID. |
TOFC: 1320
Citation: 284.123(b)(2),(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-FEE-Baseline SOC-w/ Cost Based Rate |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for filing a new baseline Statement of Operating Conditions with a cost based rate. The filing requires a fee pursuant to § 381.403. |
TOFC: 990
Citation: 284.123(b),(e)/.224
Filing Title: Baseline SOC-w/ State Rate election or no rate chg |
This is for filing a baseline Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC). This may include filings for either, a new baseline SOC with a state rate election, or a baseline with a new Tariff Title and Tariff ID. |
TOFC: 820
Citation: 284.123(b)(2),(e)/.224
Filing Title: FEE-Baseline SOC-w/ Cost Based Rate |
This is for filing a new baseline Statement of Operating Conditions with a cost based rate. The filing requires a fee pursuant to § 381.403. |
Withdrawal of filing / Termination of Statement of Conditions (SOC) and/or Blanket Certificatee |
TOFC: 810
Citation: 284.123(h)
Filing Title: Withdrawal of entire filing |
This is to withdraw an entire filing prior to the filing being acted on by the Commission. |
TOFC: 1290
Citation: 284.123(e)+(g)/.224
Filing Title: OPT-Termination of SOC and/or Blanket Certificate |
This is for a filing using the optional notice procedures under § 284.123(g). This is for a filing by a section 311 pipeline to terminate its entire Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC). This is also for a filing by a Hinshaw pipeline to terminate its § 284.224 blanket certificate and / or its entire SOC. |
TOFC: 800
Citation: 284.123(e)/.224
Filing Title: Termination of SOC and/or Blanket Certificate |
This is for a filing by a section 311 pipeline to terminate its entire Statement of Operating Conditions (SOC). This is also for a filing by a Hinshaw pipeline to terminate its § 284.224 blanket certificate and / or its entire SOC. |