

Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC

Estela Lozano, Director, Regulatory
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079Phone: (713) 627-4522
Fax: (713) 989-3181
Email: [email protected]

Grace O’Malley, Senior Legal Counsel
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5233
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Rinker, FERC Chief Compliance Officer
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079Phone: (713) 627-5221
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: [email protected]

Sabine Cogen, LP (Sabine)

Gretchen Schott
Senior Counsel
Reliant Energy, Inc.
1000 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-497-6933
Fax: 713-537-6933
Email: [email protected]

Christopher Hajovsky
Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Reliant Energy, Inc.
1000 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-497-7908
Fax: 713-537-7908
Email: [email protected]

Christine Miller
Associate General Counsel
ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC
200 Clarendon Street, 55th Floor
Boston, MA 02117
Telephone: 617-531-6338
Fax: 617-867-4698
Email: [email protected]

Kevin Crosby
ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC
200 Clarendon Street, 55th Floor
Boston, MA 02117
Telephone: 617-531-6306
Fax: 617-867-4698
Email: [email protected]

James Maiz
Rockland Capital, LLC
24 Waterway Avenue, Suite 800
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Telephone: 281-863-9006
Fax: 281-863-9055
Email: [email protected]

Sabine Pipe Line LLC

Alaina Brooks
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
1722 Routh Street
Suite 1300
Dallas, TX 75201
Telephone: 214-721-9318
Email: [email protected]

Sabine Propylene Pipeline L.P.

Stephanie Hildebrandt
Vice President & Deputy General Counsel
Enterprise Products Operating L.P.
1100 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002
P.O. Box 4324
Houston, Texas 77210-4324
Telephone: 713-381-8381
Fax: 713-880-6570
Email: [email protected]

Mary Anne Collins
Director, Tariffs & Planning
Enterprise Products Operating L.P.
1100 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002
P.O. Box 4324
Houston, Texas 77210-4324
Telephone: 713-381-8073
Fax: 713-803-2953
Email: [email protected]

Sacagawea Pipeline Company, LLC

C. Todd Denton
Sacagawea Pipeline Company, LLC
2331 CityWest Blvd.
HQ-08-N 812-01
Houston, TX 77042
Telephone: 832-765-1525
Email: [email protected]

Van P. Williams
General Counsel
Sacagawea Pipeline Company, LLC
2331 CityWest Blvd.
HQ-13-N 1348
Houston, TX 77042
Telephone: 832-765-1231
Email: [email protected]

Salmon Resources, Ltd.

Tamara D. Murray
Salmon Resources, Ltd.
2450 Teller Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
Telephone: 303-238-6066
Fax: 303-238-6068
Email: [email protected]

Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.

Estela Lozano, Director, Regulatory
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-4522
Fax: (713) 989-3181
Email: [email protected]

Katherine M. O’Connor, Senior Legal Counsel
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079|
Phone: (713) 627-5227
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: Katherine.O’[email protected]

Jennifer Rinker, FERC Chief Compliance Officer
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5221
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: [email protected]

SCANA Energy Marketing, Inc.

Robert G. Edwards
Vice President
SCANA Energy Marketing, Inc.
Mail Code E28
1400 Lady Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone: 803-777-1322
Fax: 803-217-1314
Email: [email protected]

Sara C. Weinberg
Assistant General Counsel
SCANA Corporation
Mail Code C222
220 Operation Way
Cayce, SC 29033
Telephone: 803-217-5733
Fax: 803-217-7931
Email: [email protected]

Catherine D. Taylor
Chief Compliance Officer
SCANA Corporation
Mail Code C222
220 Operations Way
Cayce, SC 29033
Telephone: 803-217-9356
Fax: 803-933-7931
Email: [email protected]

Scout V Hugoton Gathering, LP

Jon Piot
Managing Director
Scout Energy Group V, LP
13800 Montfort Drive
Dallas, TX 75240
Telephone: 972-277-1397
Email: [email protected]

SCT Pipeline LLC

Daniel K. Borgen
President & CEO Vice President, Chief Financial
811 Main Street, Suite 2800
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 281-291-0510
Fax: 281-291-3990
Email: [email protected]

Adam Altsuler
Officer, Manager General Counsel & Chief
811 Main Street, Suite 2800
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 281-291-0510
Fax: 281-291-3990
Email: [email protected]

Keith Benson
Compliance Officer
811 Main Street, Suite 2800
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 281-291-0510
Fax: 281-291-3990
Email: [email protected]

Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC

Michael T. Langston
Vice President, Chief Regulatory Officer
Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC
1300 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7610
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Larry J. Biediger
Sr Director, Rates & Regulatory Affairs
Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC
1300 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7670
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Jonathan F. Christian
Assistant General Counsel
Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC
1300 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-2745
Fax: 713-989-1212
Email: [email protected]

Seahawk Transmission Company

Marcy C. Collins
Associate General Counsel
Seahawk Transmission Company
4 Greenway Plaza, Room 620
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: 832-676-5312
Fax: 832-676-1666
Email: [email protected]

Deena L. Jordan
Manager, Regulator Affairs
Seahawk Transmission Company
4 Greenway Plaza, Room 696
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: 832-676-5320
Fax: 713-420-4878
Email: [email protected]

Sempra Gas & Power Marketing, LLC

Corporate Official:
Reuben Rosen
Sempra Gas & Power Marketing, LLC
488 8th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 696-4343
Email: [email protected] 

Other Person:
Jerrod L. Harrison
Assistant General Counsel
Sempra LNG, LLC
488 8th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: 619-696-2987
Email: [email protected]

SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C.

Richard McGee
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C.
333 Clay Street, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-652-3655
Fax: 713-646-4313
Email: [email protected]

Eileen Wilson Kisluk
SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C
1 Riverway, Suite 710
Houston, Texas 77056
Telephone 713.350.2572
Email: [email protected]

Carl Coscia
Hartree Partners LP
1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Telephone: 212.536.8066
Email: [email protected]

Shell Energy North America (US), L.P.

Marcie A. Milner
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P.
4445 Eastgate Mall, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Telephone: 858-405-2241
Fax: 858-320-2606
Email: [email protected]

Marty Rogers
Senior Legal Counsel, Shell USA, Inc.
1000 Main St. 12th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-230-7584
Email: [email protected]

Kally Carreathers
Senior Legal Counsel
Shell USA, Inc.
1000 Main St. 12th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-230-1904
Email: [email protected]


Ship Shoal Pipeline Company

Michael Fleming, Chairman
Ship Shoal Pipeline Company
P.O. Box 2648, Room 42006B OSP
Houston, TX 77252-2648
Telephone: 713-241-5585
Fax: 713-241-6368
Email: [email protected]

Dennis E. Ramsey, Director
Oil Movements and Tariffs
Ship Shoal Pipeline Company
P.O. Box 2648 Room 42086C OSP
Houston, TX 77252-2648
Telephone: 713-241-3739
Fax: 713-241-0959
Email: [email protected]

Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC

Tony Sala
Managing Counsel
 Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC
1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1631 
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-420-6431
Email:  [email protected]

William D. Wible
Vice President, Regulatory 
 Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC
2 North Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Telephone: 719-520-3778
Email: [email protected]

Skelly-Belvieu Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

J. David Gipson
Skelly-Belvieu Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
2331 CityWest Blvd.
HQ-07-N 790-01
Houston, TX 77042
Telephone: 832-765-1618
Email: [email protected]

Van P. Williams
General Counsel
Skelly-Belvieu Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
2331 CityWest Blvd.
HQ-13-N 1348
Houston, TX 77042
Telephone: 832-765-1231
Email: [email protected]

Southern California Edison Company

Jennifer R. Hasbrouck
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Southern California Edison Company
2244 Walnut Grove Avenue
P.O. Box 800
Rosemead, CA 91770
Telephone: 626-302-1040
Email: [email protected]

FERC Case Administration
Southern California Edison Company
2244 Walnut Grove Avenue
P.O. Box 800
Rosemead, CA 91770
Telephone: 626-302-3925
Email: [email protected]

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company

Stephen A. Byrne
President, Generation and Transmission and
Chief Operating Officer
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
Mail Code D303
220 Operation Way
Cayce, SC 29033
Telephone: 803-217-8653
Fax: 803-933-7412
Email: [email protected]

Sara C. Weinberg
Assistant General Counsel
SCANA Corporation
Mail Code C222
220 Operation Way
Cayce, SC 29033
Telephone: 803-217-5753
Fax: 803-217-7931
Email: [email protected]

Catherine D. Taylor
Chief Compliance Officer
SCANA Corporation
Mail Code C222
220 Operation Way
Cayce, SC 29033
Telephone: 803-217-9356
Fax: 803-217-7931
Email: [email protected]

South Carolina Public Service Authority

John S. West
Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer
South Carolina Public Service Authority
One Riverwood Drive M-603-
Post Office Box 29446101
Moncks Corner, SC 29461-2901
Telephone: 843-761-7078
Fax: 843-761-7037
Email: [email protected]

South Shore Pipeline L.P.

William S. Lavarco
Senior FERC Counsel
NextEra Energy Resources, LLC
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 220
Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: 202-347-7127
Email: [email protected]

Southeast Supply Header, LLC

Estela Lozano, Director, Regulatory
Southeast Supply Header, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-4522
Fax: (713) 989-3181
Email: [email protected]

Katherine M. O’Connor, Senior Legal Counsel
Southeast Supply Header, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5227
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: Katherine.O’[email protected]

Jennifer Rinker, FERC Chief Compliance Officer
Southeast Supply Header, LLC
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5221
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: [email protected]

Southern LNG Company, L.L.C.

Brooks Henderson
Director Regulatory
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C.
569 Brookwood Village, Suite 749
Birmingham, AL 35209
Telephone: 205‐325‐3843
Fax: 205‐325‐3549
Email: [email protected]

Patricia S. Francis
Vice President & Managing Counsel
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C.
569 Brookwood Village, Suite 749
Birmingham, AL 35209
Telephone: 205‐325‐7696
Fax: 205‐325‐3549
Email: [email protected]

Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.

Brooks Henderson
Director Regulatory
Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.
569 Brookwood Village, Suite 749
Birmingham, AL 35209
Telephone: 205-325-3843
Fax: 205-325-3549
Email: [email protected]

Patricia S. Francis
Vice President & Managing Counsel
Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.
569 Brookwood Village, Suite 749
Birmingham, AL 35209
Telephone: 205-325-7696
Fax: 205-325-3549
Email: [email protected]

Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.

Mark Luckett
Senior Attorney
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
P.O. Box 20010 (42304)
4700 Highway 56
Owensboro, KY 42301
Telephone: 270-852-4945
Fax: 270-852-5010
Email: [email protected]

Scott LaMar
Director, Rates and Regulatory
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
P.O. Box 20010 (42304)
4700 Hwy. 56
Owensboro, KY 42301
Telephone: 270-852-4560
Fax: 270-852-5013
Email: [email protected]

SouthTex 66 Pipeline Company, LTD.

Timothy J. Hill
Corporate Secretary
SouthTex 66 Pipeline Company, Ltd.
10001 Six Pines Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Telephone: 832-813-4663
Fax: 832-813-4650
Email: [email protected]

Southwest Gas Storage Company

Michael T. Langston
Vice President, Chief Regulatory Officer
Southwest Gas Storage Company
1300 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7610
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Larry J. Biediger
Sr Director, Rates & Regulatory Affairs
Southwest Gas Storage Company
1300 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7670
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Dawn McGuire
Assistant General Counsel
Southwest Gas Storage Company
1300 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7938
Fax: 713-989-1189
Email: [email protected]

Southwest Gas Transmission Company, A Limited Partnership

Randy Gabe
VP/Gas Resources
Southwest Gas Corporation
Post Office Box 98510
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510
Telephone: 702-876-7139
Fax: 702-873-3820
Email: [email protected]

Douglas M. Canter, Esquire
Post & Schell, P.C.
607 14th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-661-6974
Fax: 202-661-6974
Email: [email protected]

Spectra Energy Transmission, LLC

Gregg E. McBride
Vice President
Rates and Certificates
For: Southeast Supply Header, LLC
P. O. Box 1642
Houston, TX 77251-1642
Telephone: 713-627-5319
Fax: 713-627-5947
Email: [email protected]

P. Martin Teague
Associate General Counsel
For: Southeast Supply Header, LLC
2701 N. Rocky Point Drive, Suite 1050
Tampa, Fl 33607
Telephone: 813-282-6605
Fax: 813-289-4438
Email: [email protected]

Spire Marketing Inc.

Patrick J. Strangev President
Spire Marketing Inc.
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, TX77046
Telephone: 346-308-7500
Fax: 346-308-7599
Email: [email protected]

Sean P. Jamieson
General Counsel and Assistance Corporate Secretary
Spire Marketing Inc.
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, TX77046
Telephone: 346-308-7555
Fax: 346-308-7599
Email: [email protected]

Spire STL Pipeline LLC

Scott Smith
Spire STL Pipeline LLC
3773 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: 346-308-7503
Facsimile: 346-308-7565
Email: [email protected]

Sean P. Jamieson
General Counsel and Assistance Corporate Secretary
Spire STL Pipeline LLC
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, TX77046
Telephone: 346-308-7555
Fax: 346-308-7599
Email: [email protected]

Spire Storage Salt Plains LLC

Chad Whited
Managing Director, Midstream Commercial
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, Texas 77046
Phone: (713) 205-1172
Fax: (346) 308-7565
Email: [email protected]

Sean P. Jamieson
General Counsel
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, Texas 77046
Phone: (346) 308-7555
Fax: (346) 308-7565
Email: [email protected]

Spire Storage West LLC

Scott Smith
Spire Storage West LLC
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, TX77046
Telephone: 346-308-7503
Fax: 346-308-7565
Email: [email protected]

Sean P. Jamieson
General Counsel and Assistance Corporate Secretary
Spire Storage West LLC
3773 Richmond Avenue, Suite 300
Houston, TX77046
Telephone: 346-308-7555
Fax: 346-308-7599
Email: [email protected]

Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company, L.L.C.

Ben J. Carranza
Vice President Regulatory
Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company L.L.C.
1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1637
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713‐420‐5535
Email: [email protected]

Michelle Grant
Managing Counsel
Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company L.L.C.
1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1632
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713‐420‐6680
Email: [email protected]

Texas Eastern Transmission, LP

Steckman Ridge, LP

Arthur Diestel, Director, Regulatory
Steckman Ridge, LP
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5116
Fax: (713) 989-3181
Email: [email protected]

DeAndra Black, Legal Counsel
Steckman Ridge, LP
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-6053
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: DeAndra.Black@enbridge


Jennifer Rinker, FERC Chief Compliance Officer
Steckman Ridge, LP
915 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 627-5221
Fax: (713) 386-3044
Email: [email protected]

Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

Michael T. Langston
Vice President, Chief Regulatory Officer
Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
1300 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7610
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Jonathan F. Christian
Assistant General Counsel
Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
1300 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-2795
Fax: 713-989-1189
Email: [email protected]

Larry J. Biediger
Sr Director, Rates & Regulatory Affairs
Southwest Gas Storage Company
1300 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-989-7670
Fax: 713-989-1205
Email: [email protected]

Sumas International Pipeline Inc.

R. T. Ballantyne
Director, Planning and Project Development
Sumas International Pipeline Inc.
1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4M4
Telephone: 604-443-6862
Fax: 604-443-6476
Email: [email protected]

R. B. Parnell
Business Leader, Forecasting & Regulatory Strategy
Sumas International Pipeline Inc.
1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4M4
Telephone: 604-443-6862
Fax: 604-443-6476
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information

This page was last updated on August 08, 2024