Dairyland Power Cooperative

Bruce Staples
Vice President - Transmission
Dairyland Power Cooperative
3200 East Avenue South
Post Office Box 817
La Crosse, WI 54602-0817
Telephone: 608-787-1361
Fax: 608-787-1475
Email: bhs@dairynet.com

Jeffrey L. Landsman
Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson,S.C.
25 West Main Street, Suite 801
Madison, WI 53703
Telephone: 608-255-7277
Fax: 608-255-6006
Email: jlandsman@wheelerlaw.com

Detroit Edison Company, The

Susan M. Beale
Vice President and Corporate Secretary
The Detroit Edison Company
2000 Second Street, 2421 WCB
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone: 313-235-8126
Fax: 313-235-6031
Email: beales@dteenergy.com

Raymond O. Sturdy, Jr., Esquire
Group Practice Head for Regulatory Affairs
The Detroit Edison Company
2000 Second Street, 688 WCB
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone: 313-235-8340
Fax: 313-235-8500
Email: sturdyr@dteenergy.com

Dodge Falls Associates L.P.

Richard A. Norman
c/o Essex Hydro Associates, L.L.C.
One State Street, Suite 1200
Boston, MA 02109
Telephone: 617-367-0032
Fax: 617-367-3796
Email: rnorman@essexhydro.com

Elizabeth Whittle
Nixon Peabody LLP
One Thomas Circle, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-5802
Telephone: 202-457-5300
Fax: 202-457-5355
Email: ewhittle@nixonpeabody.com

DTE Electric Company

Emerson J. Hilton
Associate General Counsel
Consumers Energy Company
One Energy Plaza, EP11-201
Jackson, MI 49201
Telephone: (517) 240-1868
Email: emerson.hilton@cmsenergy.com

Jon P. Christinidis
Office of the General Counsel
DTE Energy
One Energy Plaza, 1635 WCB
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone: (313) 235-7706
Email: jon.christinidis@dteenergy.com


Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC

Garry Rice
Deputy General Counsel
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: garry.rice@duke-energy.com

Sarah Anna Santos
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: sarah.santos@duke-energy.com

Duke Energy Indiana, LLC.

Garry Rice
Deputy General Counsel
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: garry.rice@duke-energy.com

Sarah Anna Santos
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: sarah.santos@duke-energy.com

Duke Energy Progress, LLC.

Garry Rice
Deputy General Counsel
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: garry.rice@duke-energy.com

Sarah Anna Santos
Duke Energy Corporation
550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A)
Charlotte, NC 28202
Telephone: 704-382-8111
Email: sarah.santos@duke-energy.com

Contact Information

This page was last updated on June 28, 2024