Commissioner James Danly Statement
November 30, 2021
Docket No. RP22-135-000

I concur with today’s order which in part denies a request that the Commission initiate a proceeding under section 5 of the Natural Gas Act to investigate the existing reservation charge crediting provisions in the tariff for Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC (Columbia Gulf).[1]  I agree that Columbia Gulf’s existing provisions appear consistent with Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC.[2]  However, I write separately to highlight that I have expressed concerns regarding this precedent.[3]    

For these reasons, I respectfully concur.


[1] Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC, 177 FERC ¶ 61,145, at PP 20-23 (2021).

[2] Id. P 22 & n.34 (discussing Transcon. Gas Pipe Line Co., LLC, 175 FERC ¶ 61,085, at P 19 & n.25 (2021) (citing, in part, Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 142 FERC ¶ 61,075, at P 32 (2013) (Rockies Express)).

[3] See E. Gas Transmission & Storage, Inc., 177 FERC ¶ 61,064 (2021) (Comm’r, Danly, concurring at PP 6-7 (citing Rockies Express, 142 FERC ¶ 61,075 at P 32)).

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