Commissioner James Danly Statement
August 10, 2020
Docket No. ER20-1917-001

I concur with the decision to accept, suspend, and set for hearing and settlement judge procedures the Reliability Must-Run Service Agreement (RMR Agreement) between EF Oxnard LLC and the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO).  I write to express the same concerns in this case that I expressed in my concurrence in Greenleaf Energy Unit 2, LLC.[1]

As I wrote there, RMR agreements cause markets to fail and should only be used as a last resort.[2]  It is unclear on the record before us whether this RMR Agreement is a last resort.  The issue is not that CAISO cannot justify this RMR Agreement; it is that the Commission-approved tariff does not require it to do so. 

I would require greater justification for the reliability need that drives CAISO’s decision than the one paragraph summary submitted here.[3]  CAISO, however, appears to have again satisfied the requirements of its tariff, minimal as they are, and the RMR Agreement must therefore be accepted.

For these reasons, I respectfully concur.


[1] 172 FERC ¶ 61,111 (2020) (Danly, Comm’r, concurring).

[2] Id. (Danly, Comm’r, concurring at P 2).

[3] See EF Oxnard LLC Transmittal Letter, Attachment D at 2.

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