Docket No. EL25-49-000 et alER24-2888-001 et al

FERC Chairman Mark Christie today issued the following statement on the Commission’s unanimous vote yesterday to launch a review of issues associated with the co-location of large loads such as AI-enabled data centers at generating facilities in PJM, including whether the PJM tariff needs to establish rules to create clarity while ensuring grid reliability and fair costs to consumers:  

“Referring to Agenda Item E-1, the Co-Location Show Cause Order, at yesterday’s meeting I said, ‘We want to act quickly.  We want to move on it.’   That is worth emphasizing.  While we cannot announce a specific date for final action, it is our intent to conduct and complete this important proceeding expeditiously, so we can provide clarity and certainty to all, from consumers to investors to load-serving utilities and independent generators. We set tight timelines for responses:  30 days for the first round and 30 days for the second round.  We will act to issue an order as quickly thereafter as feasible.”


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This page was last updated on February 21, 2025