A. Step 1 - Instructions and tips for downloading and filling out Form No. 552
- Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8.0 and above are required to fill out the Form No. 552. Make sure your have the required version of Adobe Acrobat before attempting to download the form. Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat.
- Download and save the Form No. 552 file to your desktop computer.
- Open the form, confirm the filing year that you are submitting the form for, then choose the calendar year (example: for a new filing in 2017 you should be filing for year ending 2016 so you would choose 2016) and fill out the form using the General Instructions. Unless there is a name change or you are a first time filer, please spell the name of the respondent and reporting company exactly the same as your last submission including any spaces, punctuation marks and or special characters. Also please fill out the form in its entirety without any blanks. All sales and purchases information should have numeric values. If you have no sales or purchases to report for any category, please report zeroes.
- Do not manually sign the Form No. 552. Complete the Signature Block on Page 1, item 14, by simply typing the name of the Company Officer in the block. FERC considers this an electronic signature (see 18 CFR § 385.2005(c)).
- Save the form periodically to avoid losing your data entries.
- If you need to attach more than ten copies of page 3A (Schedule of Reporting Companies and Price Index Reporting) to your eFiling of Form No. 552, please contact [email protected] before attempting to file.
- All the questions on Page 3 of Form No. 552 in columns b-e must be answered with a Yes, No or NA. Do not leave any blanks.
- Do not attempt to alter the Form No. 552 or add footnotes to it. Page 2 List of Schedules contains a remarks section.
- Save your Form No. 552 to your desktop before eFiling it.
B. Step 2 - Instructions for eFiling the Form No. 552
- Log-in to https://www.ferc.gov/ferc-online/overview (If you are a new user, use the New Account menu).
Page Name | Action | Item or Button Name |
Log on to FERC Online | Enter your registered email address and password. You will designate your own password. | |
Click on | Submit | |
FERC Online Home Page | Click on | eFiling |
FERC eFile | Click on | Create Filing |
Filing Type Selection ** | Click on | Gas |
What kind of Filing are you making ** | Click on | Report/Form- No Docket Number |
Filing Type ** | Click on | Form No. 552 |
File Upload | Click on | Browse |
Find the saved copy of the Form No. 552 on your PC directory and attach. If desired, enter additional text to describe your filing. | ||
Click on | Upload | |
Confirmation email | Click on You should receive a confirmation email that your eFiling is complete. Print a copy of it. If you don’t get a confirmation, contact FERC Online Support. |
“Next” to finish submission process FERC Online Support at 1-866-208-3676 (Toll Free) 1-202-502-6652 (Local) or [email protected]
** Failure to check the appropriate filing type will result in a rejection of your filing and you will have to eFile again to be in compliance. It is very important that you select the proper filing type. Our system checks your Form No. 552 data for common errors and makes the data available for Staff analysis and download.