On April 2, 2020, the Commission issued a Notice Granting Extension of Time until June 1, 2020 for the FERC Form Nos. 60, 61, 552 and the Electric Quarterly Report Form-920.
On March 19, 2020, the Commission issued a Notice Granting Extension Of Time until May 1, 2020 for filing select Forms.
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The Form No. 1 is a comprehensive financial and operating report submitted annually for electric rate regulation, market oversight analysis, and financial audits by Major electric utilities, licensees and others. As detailed in 18 CFR § 101(Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Provision of the Federal Power Act, General Instructions), Major is generally defined as having in each of the three previous calendar years, sales or transmission services that exceed one of the following: (1) one million megawatt hours of total annual sales; (2) 100 megawatt hours of annual sales for resale; (3) 500 megawatt hours of annual power exchanges delivered; or (4) 500 megawatt hours of annual wheeling for others (deliveries plus losses). New entities that expect to be in the Major category should begin filing based on projected data. |
Chapter: 18 CFR § 141.1 OMB #: 1902-0021, expires 7/31/2025 Filing Date: April 18 |
Orders |
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The FERC Form No. 1-F (Form No.1-F) is a financial and operating report submitted annually for electric rate regulation, market oversight analysis, and financial audits by Nonmajor electric utilities and licensees. As detailed in 18 CFR § 101(Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Provision of the Federal Power Act, General Instructions), Nonmajor is defined as having total annual sales of 10,000 megawatt-hours or more in the previous calendar year and not classified as Major. New entities that expect to be in the Nonmajor category should begin filing based on projected data. | Chapter: 18 CFR § 141.2 OMB #: 1902-0029, expires 7/31/2025 Filing Date: April 18 |
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The Form No. 3-Q is a comprehensive quarterly financial and operating report which supplements Form 1 and is submitted for all Major and Non-Major:
Chapter: 18 CFR § 141.400 Filing Dates: Filing Dates: Thereafter, for Majors - 60 days and for Non-Majors - 70 days - after the end of the quarter. 2025 Due Dates for Majors: Form 1/3Q Electric Q1: Friday, May 30, 2025 Form 1/3Q Electric Q2: Friday, August 29, 2025 Form 1/3Q Electric Q3: Monday, December 1, 2025* 2025 Due Dates for Nonmajors: Form 1-F/3Q Electric Q1: Monday, June 9, 2025 Form 1-F/3Q Electric Q2: Monday, September 8, 2025 Form 1-F/3Q Electric Q3: Tuesday, December 9, 2025 *designates an original due date that falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday
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The Form No. 423 is a compilation of data for cost and quality of fuels delivered to electric power plants to be used for determination of electric Rates. Note: Order No. 709 (issued March 11, 2008) eliminated this filing requirement. As of January 1, 2008 EIA began collecting this data on its form EIA-923. On March 28, 2008 FERC announced that it has terminated collection of the Form 423 ending with the December 2007 report, which was due February 15, 2008. FERC no longer maintains this data. Historical data can be found at EIA. |
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The FERC-520 is an application requesting FERC authorization of individuals proposing to simultaneously hold board positions of regulated electric utilities and corporate boards of related or similar businesses. | Chapter: 18 CFR Part 45 OMB #: 1902-0083, expires 5/31/2025 OMB Collection History |
Orders Send any questions or concerns to: [email protected]. |
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The information filed with the Commission through Form 523 is used to make a determination to grant or deny authorization to issue securities or to assume a liability | Chapter: 18 CFR Part 34 and 18 CFR § 131.43 OMB #: 1902-0043, exp. 1/31/2028 Filing Date: Occasionally |
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In February 1995, the Commission instituted the FERC Form No. 556 filing requirement, which should be included with any application for Commission certification/recertification or notice of self-certification/self-recertification. On June 1, 2010, the Commission instituted the electronic fillable Form No. 556 at the link to the right side of this text. Electronic filing of this form is mandatory. See eFiling instructions at: efile |
Chapter: 18 C.F.R. § 131.80 OMB #: 1902-0075, exp 1/31/2027 Filing Date: As needed Order No. 732 |
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The Form 561 is an annual report of information detailing electric public utility officer and board of director positions that officers and directors held within and outside their affiliated public utility at any point during the preceding year. The reports on last year's information are filed on April 30th. |
Chapter: 18 CFR § 131.31 and 18 CFR Part 46 OMB #: 1902-0099, exp 1/31/2027 Filing Date: April 30 |
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List customers and their business addresses if they were one of the top twenty largest purchasers of electric energy, measured in kilowatt hours sold, for purposes other than resale, during any of three preceding calendar years. | Chapter: 18 CFR § 46.3 OMB #: 1902-0114, exp 10/31/2027 Order No. 812 Order No. 812-A Filing Date: January 31 *Any requests for privileged treatment of FERC-566 information will be denied per 18 CFR 46.3, Part 305 of the Federal Power Act and as approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 1902-0114. |
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This biennial data collection gathers information (under Docket IN79-6) on utility fuel supply contracts and other costs recovered through wholesale automatic adjustment clauses. |
Docket No. IN79-6 issued 04/26/79, Section 205(f)(2) of the Federal Power Act. |
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Electric transmitting utilities operating balancing authority areas and planning areas (with annual peak demand over 200MW) are required to electronically file Form 714, reporting among other things, balancing authority area generation, actual and scheduled inter-balancing authority area power transfers, and net energy for load, summer-winter generation peaks and system lambda. |
Chapter: 18 CFR § 141.51
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Annual report by transmitting utilities on transmission planning, constraints and available transmission capacity. | Chapter: 18 CFR § 141.300 OMB #: 1902-0171, exp 11/30/2025 Filing Date: April 1 |
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FERC-730 is used by the Commission to determine the effectiveness of its rules and to provide it with an accurate assessment of the state of transmission investment by public utilities. This annual report includes projections, information that details the level and status of transmission investment, and the reason for delay, if any. Public utilities that have been granted incentive based rate treatment for specific transmission projects under provisions of 18 CFR 35.35 must file FERC-730. The report must conform to the format prescribed in Order No. 679, Appendix A. Filers are strongly encouraged to submit the FERC-730 electronically via eFiling. | Chapter: 18 CFR § 35.35 OMB #: 1902-0239, exp 08/31/2026 Filing Date: Initial filing is on April 18th of the year following issuance of the incentive-based rate, and subsequent filings are due each April 18th thereafter. |
Summary | Information | Downloads & Links |
Please visit our EQR section. | Chapter: 18 CFR § 35.10b OMB #: 1902-0255, exp 4/30/2026 Filing Date: The last day of the first month following the end of the quarter. |
Contact Information
Forms 1, 1-F, and 3-Q (electric)Email: [email protected]
FERC Online SupportHours of Operation 8:00 -5:00 ET | TTY: 202-502-8659Telephone: 202-502-6652Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-208-3676Email: [email protected]