News Release: April 20, 2016
Docket No. AD16-19-000
Item No. A-3

Representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy and several of its national laboratories will discuss modernization of the nation’s electric power grid at the April Federal Energy Regulatory Commission meeting, and be available for a post-meeting information session on the work of the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium.

The meeting and the information session immediately after the meeting are open to the public at FERC’s headquarters, 888 First St. NE, in Washington, D.C. The Commission’s monthly meeting begins at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 21 in the Commission Meeting Room. The information session will begin immediately after the meeting in Hearing Room 1. It will end at 1:30 p.m.

Among DOE officials who will be at the meeting are Patricia A. Hoffman, assistant secretary for the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability and Roland Risser, acting deputy assistant secretary for Renewable Power. Panelists will be from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The national laboratory representatives will be available immediately following the Commission meeting in Hearing Room 1 to discuss the work of the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium. Specific topics will include devices and integrated systems, sensing and measurement, system operations, control and power flow, design and planning tools, security and resilience, and institutional support.


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