ICC Energy Corporation

Karl R. Butler
ICC Energy Corporation
208 N. Market Street, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: 214-744-2204 ext 118
Fax: 214-744-2206
Email: [email protected]

Bruce A. Grabow
Locke Lord LLP
701 8th Street, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-220-6991
Email: [email protected]

Cassondra Fields Andrews
Director of Administrative Services
ICC Energy Corporation
208 N. Market Street, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: 214-744-2204 ext 117
Fax: 214-744-2206
Email: [email protected]

Idaho Power Company

Ken Peterson
Corporate Controller and CAO
Idaho Power Company
1221 West Idaho Street
Post Office Box 70
Boise, ID 83707
Telephone: 208-388-2761

Brian Buckham
Vice President & General Counsel
Idaho Power Company
1221 West Idaho Street
Post Office Box 70
Boise, ID 83707
Telephone: 208-388-2390
Fax: 208-433-2807

Nathan Gardiner
Senior Counsel
Idaho Power Company
1221 West Idaho Street
Post Office Box 70
Boise, ID 83707
Telephone: 208-388-2975
Fax: 208-433-2807

IEP Power Marketing, LLC

Alan K. Forbes
12150 E. Briarwood Avenue, Suite 145
Englewood, CO 80112
Telephone: 303-792-0055
Fax: 303-675-3659

IES Utilities Inc.

Barbara J. Swan
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc.
222 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53702-2793
Telephone: 608-252-3431
Fax: 608-252-4820
Email: [email protected]

Kent M. Ragsdale
Managing Attorney
Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc.
300 First Street S.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Telephone: 319-398-7765
Fax: 319-398-4533
Email: [email protected]

Illinois Power Generating Company

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402
[email protected]
[email protected]

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524
[email protected]

Illinois Power Marketing Company

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402
[email protected]
[email protected]

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524
[email protected]

Illinois Power Resources Generating, LLC

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402
[email protected]
[email protected]

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524
[email protected]

Indeck Energy Services, Inc.

Gerald F. DeNotto
Indeck Energy Services, Inc.
600 North Buffalo Grove Road, Suite 300
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Telephone: 847-520-3212
Fax: 847-520-3235

Michael D. Ferguson
Vice President
Indeck Energy Services, Inc.
600 North Buffalo Grove Road, Suite 300
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Telephone: 847-520-3212
Fax: 847-520-3235

Independence Energy Group LLC

Cortney Madea Slager
Assistant General Counsel
NRG Energy, Inc.
804 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-524-5422
Fax: 609-524-4589
Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Hsia
Managing Senior Counsel
NRG Energy, Inc.
804 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 713-537-3292
Fax: 609-524-4589
Email: [email protected]

Indeck-Rockford, L.L.C.

Independent Electricity Market Operator

Carl Burrell
Senior Regulatory Analyst
Independent Electricity Market Operator
655 Bay Street, Suite 410
P. O. Box 1
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4
Telephone: 416-506-2858
Fax: 416-506-2847
Email: [email protected]

Indianapolis Power & Light Company

William M. Rappolt|
Assistant General Counsel, FERC
AES US Services, LLC
4300 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22203
Tel: 571-533-9018
Email: [email protected]

Brian R. Hylander
General Counsel, US Utilities and Conventional Generation
AES US Services, LLC
1065 Woodman Drive
Dayton, OH 45432
Telephone: 937-259-7103

Sharon R. Schroder
Senior Director, Regulatory
AES US Services, LLC
1065 Woodman Drive
Dayton, OH 45432
Telephone: 937-259-7153

Indian River Power LLC

Cortney Madea Slager
Assistant General Counsel
NRG Energy, Inc.
804 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-524-5422
Fax: 609-524-4589
Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Hsia
Managing Senior Counsel
NRG Energy, Inc.
804 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 713-537-3292
Fax: 609-524-4589
Email: [email protected]

Indiana Michigan Power Company

John C. Crespo
Deputy General Counsel
American Electric Power Service Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215-2373
Phone: 614-716-3727
Email: [email protected]

Jessica A. Cano
Asst General Counsel-FERC
American Electric Power Service Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215-2373
Phone: 614-401-9150
Email: [email protected]

Stacey L. Burbure
VP FERC & RTO Strategy & Policy
American Electric Power Service Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215-2373
Phone: 614-716-2502
Email: [email protected]

Christopher K. Duffy
Director Regulatory Services
American Electric Power Service Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215-2373
Phone: 614-716-2319
Email: [email protected]

Carrie L. Bumgarner
Senior Counsel
American Electric Power Service Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH 43215-2373
Phone: 614-716-2941
Email: [email protected]

Matthew L. Bly
Senior Counsel
801 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 735
Washington DC, 20004-2615
Phone: 202-383-3436
Email: [email protected]


Indiana-Kentucky Electric Corporation

David L. Hart
Vice President & Assistant to the President
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation
1 Riverside Plaza, 19th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Telephone: 614-223-1090
Fax: 614-223-1094
Email: [email protected]

David E. Jones
Vice President - Operations
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation
Post Office Box 468
Piketon, OH 45661
Telephone: 740-289-7211
Fax: 740-289-7253
Email: [email protected]

Indianapolis Power & Light Company

Bryan G. Tabler
Secretary & General Counsel
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
One Monument Circle Zip 46204-
Post Office Box 1595
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1595
Telephone: 317-261-5134
Fax: 317-261-8288
Email: [email protected]

Indigo Generation LLC

Bohdan Buchynsky
Senior Vice President
Diamond Generating Corporation
333 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 1570
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: 213-473-0080
Fax: 213-620-1170
Email:[email protected]


Jack W. Simmons
811 Broad Street, Suite 200
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2605
Telephone: 423-266-1885
Fax: 423-266-4589
Email: [email protected]

Infinite Energy

Darin Cook
Infinite Energy
7001 S.W. 24th Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32607-3704
Telephone: 352-331-1654
Fax: 352-331-3963
Email: [email protected]

Inland Power & Light Company

Kris Mikkelsen
General Manager
Inland Power & Light Company
320 E. Second Avenue
Spokane, WA 99220
Telephone: 509-747-7151
Fax: 509-747-7987
Email: [email protected]

Innovative Energy Systems, LLC

Edward Taibi
General Counsel & Executive Vice
Archaea Energy
4444 Westheimer Road, Suite G450
Houston, TX 77027
Telephone: (917) 439-2104
Email:  [email protected]

Michael Braverman
Assistant General Counsel
Archaea Energy Inc.
4444 Westheimer Road
Suite G450
Houston, TX 77027
Telephone: (215) 816-1736
Email:  [email protected]

Integrys MA Solar, LLC

Conor Ward
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-2539
Fax: 414-221-2139
Email: [email protected]

Charles Milliken
Director, Federal Regulatory Affairs and Policy
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-3565
Fax: 414-221-4211
Email: [email protected]

InterCoast Power Marketing Company

Paul J. Leighton
Vice President & Corporate Secretary
InterCoast Power Marketing Company
666 Grand Avenue
Post Office Box 657
Des Moines, IA 50303
Telephone: 515-242-4099
Fax: 515-272-4080
Email: [email protected]

Intercom Energy, Inc.

Kenneth M. Albert
Brunenkant Law Firm
Attorneys for Intercom Energy, Inc.
805 Fifteenth Street, NW, Suite 510
Washington, D.C. 20005-2207
Telephone: 202-408-0700
Fax: 202-408-5959
Email: [email protected]

Jon L. Brunenkant
Brunenkant Law Firm
Attorneys for Intercom Energy, Inc.
805 Fifteenth Street, NW, Suite 510
Washington, D.C. 20005-2207
Telephone: 202-408-0700
Fax: 202-408-5959
Email: [email protected]

Ernesto Pallares
Chief Executive Officer
Intercom Energy, Inc.
1330 Orange Avenue
Suite 327
Coronado, CA 92118
Telephone: 619-863-9644
Email: [email protected]

International Energy Consultants

Tanja M. Shonkwiler
Duncah, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke, P.C.
1615 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-467-6370
Fax: 202-467-6279
Email: [email protected]

International Transmission Company

Christine Mason Soneral
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: 248-946-3553
Fax: 248-946-3448
Email: [email protected]

Purvi Patel
Vice President, Regulatory Strategy
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: (248) 946-3465
Email: [email protected]


Interstate Paper Company

Carl Q. Carter
Chief Counsel- Global Supply Chain
International Paper Company
Legal Department, 6400 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38197
Telephone: 901-419-3804
Fax: 901-214-1276
Email: [email protected]

Interstate Power and Light Company

Amy Cralam
Assistant Vice President and General Counsel
4902 North Biltmore Lane
Madison, WI 53718
Telephone: (608) 458-0566
Email: [email protected]

Mary Emerson
Corporate Counsel
801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 330
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 941-0803
Email: [email protected]

Cy McNeill
Federal Regulation Relations Manager-DC
801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 330
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (240) 997-2720
Email: [email protected]

Iowa Hydro

Mr. Jason Kreuscher
Vice President, Operations
Iowa Hydro
100 State Street, P.O. Box 264
Neshkoro, WI. 54960
Phone: 855-994-9376 Ext. 102
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Tom Berutti
Exec. Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Iowa Hydro
100 State Street, P.O. Box 264
Neshkoro, WI. 54960
Phone: 855-994-9376 Ext. 101
Email: [email protected]

IPA Marketing, Inc.

David T. Musselman
Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
IPA Marketing, Inc.
62 Forest Street, Suite 102
Marlborough, MA 01752
Telephone: 508-382-9300
Fax: 508-382-9400
Email: [email protected]

Iredell Transmission, LLC

Lisa A. Muschong
Corporate Secretary
One Energy Plaza, 2057 WCB
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone: 313-235-8870
Email: [email protected]

Kyra M. Fleming
Vice President and General Counsel
414 South Main Street, Suite 600
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Telephone: 734-887-4898
Email: [email protected]

Mark Cousino
President - Biomass Energy
414 S. Main St., Floor 5
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[email protected]

Michael Solo Jr.
Dir-Legal General Counsel
1610 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
[email protected]

Rosemary Smalls-Tilford
Manager – Regulatory Affairs
1180 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
[email protected]

Iron Horse Battery Storage, LLC

Paul Varnado
Assistant General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
353 N. Clark St., 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: (312) 358-9873
[email protected]

Alison Gardner
General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
1401 East 6th St., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78702
Tel: (512) 517-1732
[email protected]


Iron Springs Solar, LLC

Kevin P. Malcarney
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Clearway Energy, Inc.
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-608-1515
Email: [email protected]

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 346-293-7088
Email: [email protected]

Ironside Energy LLC

Matthew P. Speer
Primary Energy Recycling Corporation
Manager- Environmental, Health & Safety
2215 South York Road, Suite 202
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-560-4219
Email: [email protected]

ISM Solar Dighton 3, LLC

Jennifer A. Hein
Chief Legal Officer
Clearway Energy Group LLC
11988 El Camino Real, Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92130
Tel: 760-710-2187
Email: [email protected]

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: [email protected]

ISO New England Inc.

Maria Gulluni
Vice President and General Counsel
ISO New England Inc.
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
Telephone: 413-540-4473
Fax: 413-535-4379
Email: [email protected]

Christopher J. Hamlen
Senior Regulatory Counsel
ISO New England Inc.
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
Telephone: 413-540-4425
Fax: 413-535-4379
Email: [email protected]

ITC Great Plains LLC

Christine Mason Soneral
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: 248-946-3553
Fax: 248-946-3448
Email: [email protected]

Purvi Patel
Vice President, Regulatory Strategy
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: (248) 946-3465
Email: [email protected]

ITC Midwest LLS

Christine Mason Soneral
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: 248-946-3553
Fax: 248-946-3448
Email: [email protected]

Purvi Patel
Vice President, Regulatory Strategy
ITC Holdings Corp.
27175 Energy Way
Novi, MI 48377
Phone: (248) 946-3465
​​​​​​​Email: [email protected]

It's Electric & Gas, L.L.C.

Robert J. McCafferty, Jr.
It's Electric & Gas, L.L.C.
630 Fairview Road, Suite 205
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Telephone: 610-451-4444
Fax: 610-604-4531
Email: [email protected]

Alex M. Schnell
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: 202-739-5318
Fax: 202-739-5301
Email: [email protected]



Contact Information

This page was last updated on December 13, 2024